Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreUPDATE: We have a winner! Congratulations and Happy Thanksgiving to Nicole K! But keep reading, ’cause you definitely want to know more about Tendergrass Farms!
You might not know this about me: Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. You might assume it’s because I love to eat. And you’re right! It’s true! I do love to eat! But I am a pro-level eater; I can make any day all about food.
Thanksgiving is my favorite because of more than the food.
What more could there be than food, you ask?
Thanksgiving is special to me because for whatever magical reason, it always feels relaxing, loving, warm, and lazy in a peaceful way. Like… the mayhem of everyday life is just on hold for 24 hours so we can be. And now that I’m actively practicing gratitude on a daily basis, an entire holiday devoted to thankfulness and food?! It’s pretty much my dream day.
Dave and are making a 100% paleo feast this year, and I just ordered my pastured turkey from Tendergrass Farms. Thanks to their generosity, I’m hosting a giveaway of a large, pastured turkey for one of you lucky ducks turkeys!
You can read the whole Tendergrass Farms story here, but here’s the gist of it: the Tendergrass Farms site is an online marketplace that helps people like you and me buy high-quality, pastured, organic meat from a collection of small family farms in Virginia. “Our local grass fed partner farmers raise their animals in a 100% pasture-based environment… By implementing rigorous grass fed standards we are able to offer naturally raised meats of distinction that are truly unparalleled in terms of animal husbandry and welfare, culinary refinement and flavor, as well as purity and wholesomeness.”
I love that they’re a source of pastured pork, which can be so hard to find — and I really like this:
“By purchasing products from Tendergrass Farms you are supporting a growing number of small grass fed family farms in rural America that might not otherwise have a market for the meats they so proudly produce.”
If you can buy locally, that’s usually your best bet, but not everyone has access to organic, grass-fed meat, so companies like Tendergrass Farms (and Lava Lake Lamb and U. S. Wellness Meats and Rocky Mountain Organic Meats) are really awesome options.
I encourage you to learn more about Tendergrass Farms on their web site. You can also follow them on Twitter and check them out on Facebook.
In the interests of full disclosure: The company got in touch with me and offered me a sample pack of their meat (which I’ll be reviewing soon), along with the offer to give a lucky winner a Thanksgiving turkey. I purchased my own Thanksgiving turkey.
Yes, I’m doing a giveaway — but why leave your Thanksgiving feast to chance?! Tendergrass Farms is running a pretty great special on pastured, “beyond organic” turkeys right now. Just put one “Large – Free Shipping” Beyond Organic Turkey in your cart and apply the coupon code: GOBBLE-UP-A-BIG-ONE. You’ll get $20 off the turkey and free shipping. (Fine Print: Applies only to large shipped turkeys; does not apply to farm pick up turkeys.)
Tendergrass Farms Beyond Organic Turkey is raised out on the pasture on small-time family farms where they are rotationally grazed. These delicious birds are free to forage, eating clover, grasses, and insects day in and day out. Their diet and exercise has a wonderful effect on the taste, texture, and healthfulness of the meat. While you’re sure to notice a delightful contrast between Tendergrass Pastured Turkey and their conventionally raised cousins from the supermarket, we’re happy to be able to promise that they take no special culinary care or cooking techniques.
UPDATE: We have a winner! Congratulations and Happy Thanksgiving to Nicole K!
One lucky winner will be the recipient of a 18+ pound beyond organic, pastured turkey from Tendergrass Farms! Gobble it up, friends!
To enter: Like Tendergrass Farms on Facebook or follow them on Twitter — then post to comments ONE TIME to let me know which you did.
Deadline to enter: Noon on Wednesday, November 7, 2012. I’ll randomly select a winner and announce the winner on November 7. NOTE: If you win, I’ll send you ordering information and you must place your order by November 12, 2012.
Restrictions: Drawing open only to U.S. residents. Sorry, international friends, but we can’t send you meat. Gross!
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreWe could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....
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Liked on Facebook! Love this! My husband and I are hosting thanksgiving dinner for both sets of parents.
I followed them on Twitter!
Like on Facebook – I just bought a freezer-full of grass-fed beef, lamb, and pasteured pork from a small farm in Maryland … this turkey would make a great addition to the freezer
Liked on Facebook. Would love to win a turkey!
Liked and followed!
Liked on Facebook!
Liked on Facebook! Looks delicious!
*I followed TENDERGRASS FARMS on Twitter AND I liked TENDERGRASS FARMS on Facebook!!
*Thanks for the opportunity to win this great Turkey for Thanksgiving!! 
i liked and followed – crossing my fingers!!!
I liked them on Facebook!
I like them on Facebook! I’ve been checking out the Paleo diet for the last few weeks, and I am interested in a Paleo Thanksgiving!
Liked on FB!
Done. Looks like great people to do business with.
Liked them on facebook!
Liked on facebook.
liked on FB
I followed Tendergrass Farms on twitter! Hope I win!!
Just followed them on Twitter! We actually just bought a chest freezer, so it would be awesome to have a place to keep a big old turkey!
liked on face book :))
Like them on Facebook. I love their site. Though I’ve already ordered one turkey for Thanksgiving, I’m so tempted to order another from Tendergrass Farms.
Ooops, that should read “Liked them on Facebook.”
Liked on Facebook – and it looks like a great company. They’re sold out of the smaller turkeys right now, too bad.
I have liked them on facebook.
I’ve liked them on Facebook
Liked on FB, you guys are awesome!
I liked them on Facebook. Thanks!
Followed Tendergrass Farms on Twitter! Bring on the bird!
Holy crap this is an awesome giveaway! I would love to win a turkey
I liked them on facebook.
I did both. Looks like a great company!
Just followed on Twitter. Thanks for doing this!!!!
I liked them on Facebook.
liked on Facebook!!
I followed on twitter. This would make a great meal for a needy family in my area. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Followed on twitter! The idea of winning a turkey is making my heart beat a little faster.
Liked on FB!! Gobble gobble!
Thanks for offering this opportunity! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday also!
I “liked” on Facebook
Liked them on Facebook
Liked them on Facebook. Looks like a fantastic resource for great meat!
Liked on FB! Thanks!!
Did them both! Yay!
I’m following Tendergrass Farms on Twitter!
Oh the suspense!
Liked them on Facebook. Gobble Gobble!
Following them on Twitter! Thanks for the chance to win a great turkey!
Liked them on Facebook!
I liked them on twitter
Followed Tendergrass on Twitter. I love that name and I my mouth is watering.
I liked them on Facebook.
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook!!! Would live to have one of their turkeys!!!!
Liked on Facebook
Liked on Facebook!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook.
I liked them on Facebook!
I’ve liked them on facebook! Fingers are crossed
I liked them on Facebook. Thanks for the contest
I liked on both!
Followed them on Twitter!
Liked on FB!
Like them on facebook. What a fun giveaway!
Done! A turkey like that is definitely not in my budget, so winning one would be HUGE! Thanks for the opportunity!
Liked them on FB!
I followed on Twitter
Liked on Facebook.
Liked on FB. Thanks!
Just like on fb. Gobble gobble!
Liked on FB!
Awesome!! Following them on Twitter!
Liked them on FB. What a great company, thanks for the heads up!
Liked their FB page – would be awesome to win and be able to compare a truly free range, organic turkey to the less pricey ones my hubby currently prefers we buy
Love that they are in Virginia! That’s my home state and I can’t get back for Thanksgiving this year.
Followed on Twitter. This would make Thanksgiving planning so much easier!
Liked on FB! Am dreaming of an all organic Thanksgiving! Thanks for all you do-this site has been very inspiring!
Followed them on the Tweeter
liked on FB…what a GREAT giveaway
Just followed Tendergrass on twitter. My handle is Erawka, if you’re checking up on us.
Liked Tendergrass on fb.
Liked on FB! Pick me, pick me!
Lik ed on facebook!
Liked on fb! If I don’t win a turkey I probably will buy one of theirs!
liked on FB
Yeah! I liked on facebook. I’m looking for a new source so this is great.
Liked on FB!
Liked and followed! Thank you!
I liked them on facebook.
I liked them on facebook
Liked on FB, followed Tendergrass Farms on Twitter and now follow you, too! Cookbook is next.
I am following Tendergrass Farms on Twitter!
I liked them on FB. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Liked on Facebook.
Liked on FB!
I’ve liked them on Facebook
I liked ’em on Facebook!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook.
Liked on facebook! My freezer is empty and could use a gobbler to fill the void.
liked on facebook, followed on twitter, hoping to win an amazing turkey.
I liked them n FB. Thanks for the chance to win.
Gave them the thumb up like on Facebook!
Liked them on Facebook!!!
Yummy, did both. Rubbing tummy!
I follow on Twitter
I liked them on Facebook. Thanks for this great giveaway!
Following on Twitter.
I like them on Facebook. So excited to make a paleo Thanksgiving this year!!
I liked them on FB! :0)
I liked them on facebook!
Liked on facebook. Love thanksgiving aka turkey day!!
I followed Tendergrass Farms on Twitter (my twitter name is thehairyedge).
Liked on Facebook.
Liked on Facebook!
I liked them on Facebook!!!
I “liked” them on the old face-space!
Following on Twitter.
Liked on facebook!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook!
Super exciting to have another resource for good meats and I’m totally hoping to snag a free turkey too!
I liked them on Facebook and look forward to checking out their website.
Liked them on Facebook. Thanks for this opportunity!
Liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook. Thanks for this awesome opportunity and for introducing us to a great company!
I don’t know why this posted twice- I only did it once
Liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook. Thanks for this awesome opportunity and for introducing us to a great company!
I ‘liked’ them on FB! But, I’m kinda dense so I commented there first instead of here lol
BTW, just picked up Well Fed last night, love the once-a-week cooking frenzy how-to. Started Paleo two months ago, but the constant cooking/ dirty dishes has tossed me off the wagon a few times.
Liked on facebook. thanks!
I liked them on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
Liked on Facebook.
I liked on FB!
I liked them on Facebook! Thanks for the opportunity!
I just started Paleo a few weeks ago and loving it thanks to all your recipes and advice
Facebook! Love me some pastured turkey!
Liked on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
liked them on facebook. yum!
Liked on facebook!
I liked them on facebook! This would really help the thanksgiving grocery budget – I’m introducing my whole family tonmy new paleolithic lifestyle.
Liked them on FB…yum!
Liked on Facebook! Will check their full website out.
I liked them on facebook!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook. Thank you for introducing us to a company that has like-minded ideals when it comes to sustainble farming and humane treatment of animals. Also good to know that they feed their animals what they are meant to eat! Can’t beat that. I will definitely be checking out their selection of pastured pork and poultry (I do Philly Cow Share for my beef). Can’t wait until Thanksgiving!
Liked them on facebook! I wish there were more local pastured turkey options in TX but it’s nice to find some online sources since there aren’t…
Followed on FB! Thanks so much for the giveaway, I really want a turkey this thanksgiving but my Korean parents aren’t fans!
I liked them on FB! Gobble gobble!
Thanks for all you do!
I liked on Facebook!
I liked them on Facebook!
Liked on FaceBook!! Thank you sooooo much for hosting this!
I liked then on Facebook! Would love a beautiful pasteured turkey this year!
I follow them on Facebook!! So excited!
Liked on FaceBook. Fun giveaway! A pastured turkey would be awesome!
I liked them on Facebook. Thanks for hosting – fantastic giveaway!
Liked on FaceBook. thanks for the giveaway!
Liked on FB and followed on Twitter! *Hope I Win!!*
Sarsil04 at hotmail dot com
i liked them on FB, their turkeys look gorgeous!! can’t wait
I liked them on Facebook. Hope to win so I can bring a truly Paleo Thanksgiving home to my family.
Following on Twitter!
Followed them on twitter
Just liked them on facebook!
Followed on twitter!
Liked them on Facebook. Very hopeful!
Following on twitter! THANKS!
Liked on FB!
just liked them! those turkeys look amazing!
i followed on twitter!
I liked *and* followed.
Those turkeys look yummy.
I have just like the page! LOVE thanksgiving. Cannot wait for a delicious turkey. GOBBLE GOBBLE.
I liked them on Facebook!
I like them on Facebook!
Following! Gobble, gobble.
I ordered one! Thanks for the introduction.
Liked them on Facebook. Love Turkey!
Followed on twitter. These turkeys look amazing!
I liked them on FB…I Love Turkey!
Liked them on FB! Love turkey!!!
I liked them on FB…gobble gobble!
I liked them on FB. I too love Thanksgiving and am planning a Paleo meal with my mom. Yum!
I’ve liked them on Facebook!
Liked them on FB..yeah!! Turkey!
Liked on facebook!
I liked them on facebook!
fb like
Followed on Twitter. Gobble gobble!
Liked them on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!
Followed on Twitter! Thanks for the giveaway!
I followed them on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
I Liked on Facebook!
Facebook + Twitter – check and check =)
I liked them on FB. Thanks! : )
Like them on FB and twitter. Love a tasty bird like this
Liked on FB. Thanks!
I liked on Facebook, thanks!!
liked on facebook! mmm turkey
Followed on FB. Sounds yummy!
Liked on FB
Liked! This would be super exciting! I’m combining families for the first time this year. I’d love to commemorate this with a delicious turkey that lived a happy life! Thanks for the opportunity!
I followed them on twitter!
Liked on Facebook! Delicious!
I’m following them on twitter!
I like Tendergrass Farms on Facebook!
I’m following on twitter!
Liked it on Facebook!
I did both – facebook & twitter.
Liked on FB, still can’t figure out Twitter or I’d do that too! Happy Thanksgiving!
I now like Tendergrass Farms on facebook… thanks for the opportunity!
I liked them on Facebook – Suzanne Hill. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Liked them on facebook-Meaghan Nelson! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Liked on Facebook. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Liked on FB. Thanks for the giveaway!
Liked on Facebook! Gobble, gobble!
I liked them on facebook.
Damn – that is a LOT of comments.
I liked them on Facebook…
Followed them on Twitter.
Liked on Facebook!
I liked Tendergrass on Facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to win! All I can eat these days is meat, so a big ol’ turkey would be good eats!
Would love to win this bird! Liked them on facebook! Thanks for the info on this new to me site!
Liked on Facebook. Thank you for the opportunity to win such an awesome prize
Just a broke girl tryna eat right! Love Tendergrass farms and Love you! XO
Followed on twitter…thanks for the giveaway!
Facebook done. Thanks for the chance!
Liked on fb. Thanks for your generosity!
I liked on Facebook. Yum Yum
I liked them on facebook. Yum turkey!
Liked them on FB!
Liked on Facebook!
I followed them on Twitter – hope I win!
I am now following on Twitter. Thanks for the fantabulous opportunity!
I liked on FB! Thanks!
Liked on Facebook!
I Liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook.
I like them on facebook and follow them on twitter. Thanks for the chance to enter.
Liked them on FB!
Followign deliciousness on Twitter!
I liked on Facebook! What a great giveaway!
This is a pretty awesome giveaway! I followed them on Twitter via @MaryMakesDinner. Thanks!
followed them on twitter (@jakiii09) hope i win!
liked on fb.
I followed on twitter! Woot!
I followed on Twitter
Tweeted turkey giveaway and added a plug for Well Fed!
Liked on facebook!
Followed on twitter. Thank you for the opportunity to make our first paleo Thanksgiving that much more amazing.
I liked them on Facebook! What an awesome giveaway! Thank you!!!!!
I liked them on FB! Gobble gobble.
I followed them on Twitter! I’m @AddisonVeronica
Liked and followed (@jovansjourney)
Liked on FB!
Liked them in FB!
liked them on facebook!
I both liked Tendergrass Farms on FB and followed them on Twitter. Thanks for the heads up on another good source.
I liked Tendergrass Farms on FB! Sounds like a cool place!
Following on twitter.
Liked on FB. Thanks for posting this! It’s great to have more options for buying clean meat.
Followed on twitter!
Followed them on Twitter!
I liked! Love some pastured organic turkey!
I like!
I liked on Facebook and going to check out their website! Thanks for sharing!
I like them on Facebook (Carolsue Anderson) and on Twitter (MsCarolsueA)
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