Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreUPDATE November 9, 2014: We have a winner!
If you’ve been reading my blog for at least a year, then you probably already know this about me: Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. You might assume it’s because I love to eat. And you’re right: I do love to eat. But I don’t need a holiday as an excuse! I’m a pro-leve eater every day of the year.
Thanksgiving is my favorite because of more than the food.
What more could there be than the food?
Thanksgiving is special to me because for whatever magical reason, it always feels relaxing, loving, warm, and lazy in a peaceful way. Like… the mayhem of everyday life is on hold for 24 hours so we can just be. I actively practice gratitude on a daily basis, so an entire holiday devoted to thankfulness and food is retty much my dream day.
Dave and are going to be in Prague on Thanksgiving this year (!) so I’ll be celebrating from across the pond. Thanks to the generosity of Tendergrass Farms, I’m hosting a giveaway of an Organic Whole Turkey for one of you lucky ducks turkeys!
You can read the whole Tendergrass Farms story here, but here’s the gist of it: the Tendergrass Farms site is an online marketplace that helps people like you and me buy high-quality, pastured, organic meat from a collection of small family farms in Virginia. “Our local grass fed partner farmers raise their animals in a 100% pasture-based environment… By implementing rigorous grass fed standards we are able to offer naturally raised meats of distinction that are truly unparalleled in terms of animal husbandry and welfare, culinary refinement and flavor, as well as purity and wholesomeness.”
“By purchasing products from Tendergrass Farms you are supporting a growing number of small grass fed family farms in rural America that might not otherwise have a market for the meats they so proudly produce.”
If you can buy locally, that’s usually your best bet, but not everyone has access to organic, grass-fed meat, so companies like Tendergrass Farms (and Lava Lake Lamb and U. S. Wellness Meats and 5280 Meat and Rocky Mountain Organic Meats) are really awesome options.
Yes, I’m doing a giveaway — but why leave your Thanksgiving feast to chance?! You can order your very own organic whole turkey (giblets included!) from Tendergrass Farms right now! (And be sure to order by 11:00 am EST on 11/18/14 for delivery by Thanksgiving!)
Our Organic Whole Turkeys are proudly raised on family farms with equal space to roam both outdoors and indoors. They are only fed organic non-GMO feed that is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. These organic whole turkeys are never given drugs or antibiotics of any kind.
Gobble up an Organic Whole Turkey now!
UPDATE November 9, 2014: We have a winner!
One lucky winner will be the recipient of a 12-14 pound turkey from Tendergrass Farms!
To enter: Like Tendergrass Farms on Facebook — then post to comments to let me know you did it.
Deadline to enter: 11:50 p.m. on Saturday, November 8, 2014. I’ll randomly select a winner and announce it here on Sunday, November 9.
Restrictions: Drawing open only to U.S. residents. Sorry, international friends, but we can’t send you meat. That would be gross!
Just in case you want to start planning now…
Paleo Pumpkin Gingerbread Cake with Maple-Vanilla Frosting
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
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I’d love to hook my Mom up with a free turkey (for me to eat :D).
Just liked their page !
I “Liked” Tender Grass Farms. Please enter me into your contest! Thanks so much!
Thank you for the chance to win!
I posted!
One Time
i like!
I’ve entered to win an awesome turkey…thank you!
would love to have this great turkey for Thanksgiving! Just liked their page.
I love turkey. Thanks!
Done! Ooh,
that turkey looks delicious!
Yes, I like them on FB!
Good luck to everyone and thanks for the giveaway (but I hope *I* win!
Just liked Tendergrass Farms on FB. My kids are coming home for Thanksgiving and I am going to do it Paleo style.
I liked Tendergrass Farms page, love the info they shared about it was raised etc. Looking forward to my family possibly winning this yummy turkey for our Thanksgiving! Thanks for the opportunity The Clothes Make The Girl!
Liked it! Like you!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook! Thank you!
I just liked Tendergrass Farms on FB (Nick Cole). So happy to know of this option for free range and grass fed organic meat. Thank you!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on FB. Would love to bake that turkey!!
already Liked Tendergrass. This rocks!
I did it!
Just liked your facebook page, and would love to try your organic turkey this thanksgiving!
It would be awesome to have this turkey on my Thanksgiving table! Liked their page!
What a great idea!! I’ve like ’em on facebook!
I liked Tendergrass on Facebook and hoping to win!
Done! I’m craving turkey and all the trimmings already!
I’m going to try your Waldorf salad recipe for Thanksgiving this year. Thanks for the recipe!
Done- thanks for the contest!
I liked.
Well liked!
That is a delicious looking turkey! I liked their page and will comment on your FB post, too!
I like Tendergrass on Facebook. Thanks for hosting and good luck everyone! This will make for a very happy Turkey Day.
Done! Thanks for doing this awesome giveaway
I “liked” Tender Grass Farms and also prepare meals from your amazing recipes on a weekly basis (Whole 30). I would dig a organic bird for my holiday meal !
I already like Tendergrass Farms!
Liked, and I would like it again if it was possible!
i “liked” Tendergrass on FB… Trying to convince my family that organic is delicious…. I hope I win
Thanks for the opportunity to win, and for more drool-worthy sites to browse on Facebook! (and why are people commenting “One Time”??? So confused haha!)
I liked!
I like Tendergrass on FB… I hope I win one
I liked Tendergrass Farms…now hoping I win
I liked Tendergrass Farms on FB! Great giveaway!
Yay! I just entered this contest, and am really hoping to be able to provide a turkey for Friendsgiving this year! Thanksgiving is also my favorite holiday. I love this day!
Just liked tender grass farms! Sure would love to win a turkey
I entered!
I already like them. Would love to win a turkey!
I just liked tendergrass farms on Facebook! Please enter me to win a turkey, thanks!
Definitely liked. Thanks for doing this!
Definitely liked them on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!
Real meat! What’s not to like?
I already like them on facebook. Enjoy your trip!
Liked! Thanks
I liked them on Facebook and thank you for the great giveaway! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday too!
Liked! I’m planning on buying a my bird from a local farm here in VT, but I have no issue with a second pastured turkey!
Liked. Will be serving your cranberry waldorf salad on the holiday. Enjoy your trip. Send me a jar of ajvar please.
Liked! Hope I win!
Yum that looks good! I liked on Facebook!
Liked! I would really like to try this! thanks for the opportunity!
I “liked” Tendergrass Farms on FB. Thanks for the contest!!!
Oh nom!!! Thanksgiving is my favorite meal and I agree there’s just something about that day in particular. I just went to FB to like Tendergrass! *crossing my fingers*
Can wait for some turkey and bone broth! Page has been liked.
Liked them Like you Please draw my name Please and Thanks!
I liked! But why is everyone saying “one time”? I didn’t see anything in the info about it.
This would be awesome!! (liked on FB)
I just “liked” them on Facebook and now I’m heading to the website to check them out! Thank you for such a great giveaway.
I liked Tendergrass Farms!!!
How amazing it woudl be to win one of your turkeys. It would make all of the turkeys in my family very thankful
This would go nice with some coconut almond green beans :O) Thanks. Liked Tendergrass on FB.
I liked Tendergrass Farms on FB! Thank you.
I liked their page! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway, I love your website and both cookbooks!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on FB!
I’m in! Liked Tendergrass Farms on FB.
I like!
Just found out I am having Thanksgiving at my house for the first time in 8 years. HELP!
I look forward to trying some of your recipes there and hope to win that turkey from Tendergrass farms! I loved them on Facebook
I love Thanksgiving too! A family holiday without the gift giving stress. I liked their page
i love ordering from Tendergrass! But a free turkey would be even better
looking forward to more dispatches from Prague!
I would LOVE to be able to cook my family an organic turkey this year…We are really regaining great health on paleo…I love your recipes,info and blog.. and have both of your books…THANKS for all the happy health eating! I also liked Tendergrass Farms on FB
I already like your page!!! I love tendergrass farms!!
Liked on FB. I want to eat that turkey.
I already have Tendergrass Farm’s LIKED on FB!
That Turkey looks amazing. WANT.
I liked! Pick me!
I liked them!
Gobble, gobble – done!
I liked Tendergrass Farms! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday too!!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on facebook! It would be so wonderful to win an organic turkey and show my family that organic is the only way to go!
Great giveaway idea! I just entered via Facebook. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for all you do, Mel.
I liked them on FB. That turkey looks amazing!
I liked them!
Liked and would love to win a turkey. Deb C
Wouldn’t it be nice if it was delivered roasted and looking as beautiful as in the pictures…
“Liked” the page. Gobble gobble, turkey!
I liked Tendergrass Farms’ Facebook page. Thanks for the opportunity to win the grass fed turkey.
I liked Tendergrass Farms! Can’t wait to get my turkey on!
I liked Tendergrass!
Liked, no I LOVE Tendergrass! This would be amazing. Thanks for the opportunity! Happy Thanksgiving!
I liked Tendergrass Farms!
done and done!
have fun in prague. drink some weird stuff. i’m so jealous.
Always looking for great sustainable sources for meat
I liked it! Can’t wait for Thanksgiving– I actually have the day off
Liked them! Sounds so yummy!!
Liked! Thanks for the giveaway!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook. Hope to get the opportunity to try their turkey for Thanksgiving.
I liked Tendergrass Farms on FB! Turkey Day is near!
Liked… Gobble gobble!
I liked them!
I love ordering from Tendergrass; but a free turkey would be even more awesome! Can’t wait for the next set of dispatches from Prague.
I liked Tendergrass Farms on FB…hope to win a turkey! Now I’m off to explore the T-day recipe links you posted!
Yum! I was thinking I would have to make do with a chicken this year, but . . .
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook. Thanks for the chance!
Hell yeah! Last year my dad and I dry-brined and spatchcocked a turkey and grilled it on his outdoor grill (gotta love Arizona). This would totally top that!
Haha as much as I would love to win this, yes indeed sending meat to the UK would just be gross!!!
pick me! Pick me!! Please! I did it.
I would love to win this turkey to show my family how much better a “real” bird can taste.
I liked them on FB and love you and your blog! I think of you whenever I make mayo or meatballs!
Liked! Thanks!
Definitely “liked”!!
Liked! I’ve never made a whole turkey before, but I’m willing to give it the ole college try!
Just liked the Tendergrass Farms Facebook page… thanks for the chance to win! Would love to put one in the smoker for Thanksgiving!
Yum! Liked Tender grass and would love a turkey!
i liked! have a great vacation
I liked Tendergrass! Would love to try their bird!
Done! I’d love to win!
Amazing giveaway! I’m making Thanksgiving for the first time this year and one of these birds would be a great addition!
yumm. please pass the turkey.
Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! I’m so excited for Thanksgiving this year. Totally liked them on Fb.
Gobble! Gobble! I love free turkey!
Liked! Please enter me. I love Thanksgiving too … great food and FOOTBALL (all, damn, day!!).
Yum!! Thank you for the giveaway. I liked them on FB.
I liked Tendergrass Farm on Facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on Facebook. Thank you, Melissa!
Liked Tendergrass on Facebook!! Thanks =)
Liked! This year will be our first Paleo focused Thanksgiving! I’ll be honest, I won’t miss rolls, potatoes, and sugar, but will need a moment of silence for the stuffing.
I like them on fb! Gimme that turkey!
I’ve never cooked a turkey before – this could be the catalyst I need to get brave and do it!
Oh and I liked it on FB
I liked!
Liked! Hope I win
How exciting!!!!!!
I liked them on facebook as David Lintz.
I liked Tendergrass farms Facebook and would love to win an Organic Turkey!!!
Liked! Fingers crossed!
I liked Tendergrass Farms on FB as Carolsue Anderson
Liked! Thanks!
I liked ’em! I totally love their lard ads: “they’re happy because they eat lard.”
So great!
liked. And would love a turkey
I liked!
Liked! And will share. Thanks for doing this Melissa – what a great giveaway!
Liked! Please enter me in your contest!
I like them!
I finally convinced my family to do a Paleo Thanksgiving this year, this would be a great addition to their first all Paleo Dinner! Definitely liked by me!
Liked them! Exciting giveaway.
I’d love to win!
done! yum!
Mmm! Turkey! Liked and fingers crossed!
Liked:) Know I would love to get a turkey from Tendergrass Farms!!
Wow – A free turkey for my little turkeys and the big turkey? :0) thanks for the chance to win it!
Yes, please. I’ll take a turkey!
I liked them on FB as sarah solducky.
I did it!
I liked Tendergrass farm on Facebook. Would love to have a organic turkey to go with the local pastured ham I will cooking upfor my family.
I like Tendergrass farms on Facebook. My FB name is Healthy, Organic & Cheap.
Awesomeness! Just liked their page!
Liked the site Tendergrass on fb pick me, pick me!
Liked! Would love to win a turkey!