This is just a rough estimate, but I'm pretty sure I've spent about 1000 hours in the kitchen testing recipes and prepping the food for photos for the new...
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I’m not exaggerating when I say that Dave, Smudge, and I are giddy — Giddy! — that the official release of Well Fed 2: More Paleo Recipes For People Who Love To Eat is imminent. I find myself in the totally blessed position of having lots of my favorite writers and bloggers ready to review our new book.
As the reviews roll in, I’m going to share them with you, along with a little somethin’-somethin’ about the blogs and bloggers themselves so you can add more kickass resources to your smarty-pants arsenal.
Please support the people who are supporting me by visiting their sites and reading what they have to say — and thank you for being part of our Well Fed 2 celebration!
Breaking Muscle
What It Is: is a fitness and nutrition magazine that delivers tons of excellent content every day. The site offers a variety of workouts that are updated daily so you can follow well-conceived training programs on your own, plus insightful articles about fitness, nutrition, yoga, meditation, and product reviews.
Who’s Behind It: Edited by (talented, funny, smart, and all-around badass) Becca Borawski, the content of Breaking Muscle is contributed by some of the best fitness trainers and coaches, yoga instructors, nutrition experts, and bloggers from around the world. No matter where your sports- and fitness-related interests lie, you’re sure to find something that speaks to you.
My Fave Quote From The Review: “Turns out unlike your average Hollywood action flick, Well Fed 2 is a worthy sequel…. From entertaining stories that go with every recipe, to tips on how to make variations, to space for writing notes, to iPod playlists, this cookbook is not only full of good food, but it’s a downright entertaining read, as well. I actually read the recipe stories out loud to my husband each time I made dinner from this book, and I must say, it did add to the fun and enjoyment of the meal.”
Another Post You Might Like: I really love the 12 Reps articles that have athletes answering 12 questions about themselves and their favorite things.
Read the complete review.

A Taste of Well Fed 2
Help yourself to a free 35-page sampler PDF of Well Fed 2 right now! Just click that big ol’ button to make it happen. (If you’re on an older web browser, you might need to right-click.)
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You have now published two amazing books – more than most of us will ever accomplish in a lifetime!
Really hope you have some idea of the influence you have on people half way around the world!
Can I just say that I received my copy of Well Fed 2 TODAY??? And I’m so excited as I flipped through my copy and saw a recipe for Cincinnati Chili. I live in Cincinnati and I miss it sooo much. I can’t wait to try your version. Everything else looks fabulous as well, and if I use this cookbook HALF as much as I use Well Fed (the first!) it will be pretty darn worth it. Thanks for making eating quite enjoyable. Oh and the photos are gorgeous too!
Oh, yay! I hope you like the Cincinnati Chili. I think it’s as close as you can get to the real thing without, ya know, eating junk food 🙂 It’s not as *greasy*, which isn’t as much fun, and no cheese… but it’s good. Let me know what you think!
Have fun cooking!
I am fixing it this weekend and will let you know. It’s finally chili weather, so that’s my plan. Oh and some balls. Meatballs that is, to freeze for my breakfast. Can’t wait to try your suggestion of soup for breakfast either. That sounds really good and I can’t believe I haven’t tried it before.
BTW, you should come to Cinci and do a book signing or seminar or something. Please, pretty please?
My UPS guy just delivered my long awaited copy of Well Fed 2. I am so happy and excited to receive it. In paging through it, I can tell I won’t be disappointed. There are recipes for every spice combination. Thank you for your effort in making your second book a reality. Can I sign up to be your official “taster” when you start your nexf one?
Yes, you may be an official taster for Well Fed 3… as long as you promise I don’t have to think about making another cookbook for a little while 😉
Enjoy Well Fed 2!
Amazon is listing it as “in stock” currently so I went ahead and bought it. Normally I would have waited and asked for it for Xmas but the first Well Fed is so loved around here that I’d really like to see you make the NY times bestseller list. I made the thyme braised short ribs last night and if those are any indication of what’s to come, I’m not sure if I could have stood to wait that long, anyway.
I 100% endorse the idea of getting Well Fed 2 now 🙂 Happy cooking! Glad you liked the short ribs.
And I got a little package in the UPS delivery…and it ends in 2!
Hooray, hooray, hooray! FedEx just dropped it off!!
So excited in that my copy of Well Fed 2 arrived in the mail this morning! Came at the perfect time too as I’m 18 days into my Whole 30 and need some extra inspiration! Thanks, Mel!!
Hooray for good timing! Enjoy the recipes — and congratulations on Whole30ing!
I can’t wait to get home from work because Well Fed 2 should be waiting for me! I am so glad I ordered it. Can’t wait to try the recipes!
Is there any way that you’ll make this available for the kindle?
Yes, the Kindle version will probably be out in December.
Just got my copy yesterday, and I want to say thank you so much for producing another beautiful book full of delicious recipes! In fact, your pic of the salmon(?) wrapped cucumbers inspired me to try the same thing with my turkey and cukes today. Very good, easy lunch idea!
I wish you much success with this new book, and hope that you are feeling well and getting closer to some answers for your health questions. 🙂
Awesome! Glad you like that wrap idea… it’s so much nicer than just piling those two things separately on a plate. It’s more like a cocktail party when it’s rolled up!
Thank you for the support and compliments. Happy weekend!
Gloomy afternoon in Big D but the sun shone brightly as I opened my door to discover Well Fed 2! My cat Ripley send big love to Smudge!
Don’t move to Prague before WF3!
Smudge says, “meow” to Ripley! Have fun cooking wit Well Fed!