An Apple a Day Keeps the Zombies Away

Mark’s Daily Apple is on my daily must-read blog list. I always find something with which to agree (or disagree), to investigate further, to whip up in the kitchen, or to share with friends. I’m super excited that today, Mark included the Zombie Attack Preparedness Workout in his Weekend Link Love post:

Halloween is over, but Zombies are still on the loose and they want to eat your brains (a Primal food). Pick up a bat and head for the emergency exit, it’s time for the Zombie Attack Preparedness workout from The Clothes Make the Girl.

If you haven’t subscribed to Mark’s Daily Apple yet, I kinda think you should.

Zombies! Revisited

Last year, a bunch of my wonderful friends humored me – as they always do and for which I am extremely grateful – and helped...

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Austin is Safe From Zombies… For Now

This is it: the final post about zombies until, ya know, they actually attack.On Saturday morning, the zombie hunting crew met at Auditorium Shores to...

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  • erikajeanne says:

    omg, you got on MDA? doode. i hope you squealed and clapped your hands from all the press you have collected!!!

  • Melissa 'Melicious' Joulwan says:

    VERY exciting! I'm so glad that everyone liked the workout as much as we did. God bless those zombies 😉