This Thanksgiving, I'll be starting the day with meditation, then watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It's all about balance, people. Then later in the...
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This is it: the final post about zombies until, ya know, they actually attack.
On Saturday morning, the zombie hunting crew met at Auditorium Shores to complete the Zombie Attack Preparedness Workout (ZAP). When I wrote the workout, I thought it would be a pretty good combo of stuff, and now that I’ve actually done it beginning to end, I can say it’s just what I’d hoped: challenging, fun, and with enough variety and scalability to keep from being bored or overwhelmed.
Here’s our crew before the workout. That’s Erin, Blake, me, and Dave (in our cold weather gear… yay! Summer appears to finally finally FINALLY be over here in the ATX).We used the pullup bars by the lake for the kip+kick and did all of our weapons training with baseball bats because we were sans sledgehammer. The stone wall you can just barely see in the background of the photo above was our “jump on stuff” platform – nice because it gradually gets taller so everyone could pick the spot that mapped to their ability. The stairs under the South First Street bridge were just the right length for three laps up and down in a minute, then we sprinted up the under-the-bridge incline twice – and bear crawled up it twice – for the 1-minute sprint+sewer craw.
Sprinting up the stairs two at a time was ridiculously fun in the cool sunshine. And when my quads burned and I wanted to slow down the pace, I remembered that I was being CHASED BY ZOMBIES… a little brain-chomping motivation goes a long way.
Look how happy everyone looked after the zombies were vanquished (and how the workout required peeling off some of our layers):Congratulations to Erin celebrated her first workout since surgery a few weeks ago! Welcome back, Erin!
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Woohoo!!! It feels so good to to be back. That could not have been a better WOD to get me back into the CrossFit mentality. I had so much fun during the warm up and even when I broke into turrets, swearing uncontrollably during the bear crawls.
Thanks again Mel for doing this. I hope this is becomes a tradition!