January 2009 UTB: A Story in Photos…

According to the CrossFit Central site, there were 110 people at the UTB yesterday. Here’s a shot of the warmup, and all of us counting our squats in unison. Pretty badass, right?

Carla, Devon, and I met at Bootcamp last year, and it’s been a while since we all worked out together. Carla sprouted wings and flew to Houston to do an internship; Devon switched to indoor classes… but yay! we had a UTB reunion.
Another shot from the warmup. The introductory pushups… with plenty more to come later.

This photo is from the UTB last January. I had just started the Zone, and was at the beginning of my “Get Mel to Goal Weight” project. It’s so much fun to compare and contrast!
Back to 2009. In the foreground, another CrossFitter named Melissa. She and I tied for third place in the Spartan Challenge last summer. She’s a badass. I’m pretty sure she’s conquered kipping pullups by now. And there I am, push-up-ing. No Coach Megan in site, but look at that plank. Pretty sweet!
Turns out, we did kettlebell work at the January 2008 UTB, too.
2008. Annie and me. That kettlebell I’m swinging weighs about 13 lbs.

Second photo: 2009. Cassie and me. The kettlebell I pulled yesterday weighs 36 lbs.

The End.

You can see all the photos from yesterday here.

And as always, a big ‘thank you’ hug to Nicole for taking photos of our adventures. (Speaking of… Nicole wrote a kickass blog post a few days ago about finding freedom within the parameters of the Zone. Check it out.)

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