My Sneakers

At our Weight Watchers meeting one day, Pam (best leader ever) asked the group to think back to elementary school and that exciting feeling of anticipation we had, knowing the end of the day was coming and we could do our favorite after -school activity.

“Remember?” she asked. “What couldn’t you wait to do?”

“Ride bikes!” said someone.

“Play in the woods!” said someone else.

“Read a book!” I said.

Yeah, I was late to the fitness game. I swam laps intermittently in college in an attempt to lose weight, and when I graduated in 1990, I bought a stack of aerobics videos and worked out in my living room. I learned how to do squats with my knees in proper alignment with my toes and did a whole lot of marching in place. After a while, I got my aerobics instructor certification from ACE, and then I signed up for my first triathlon.

Then somewhere along the line, I lost my love for outdoor fitness and pushing myself. My weight climbed, my motivation plummeted. I got a personal trainer. I despaired. I moved to Austin and joined the Roller Derby.

Then I found CrossFit, and my passion to take care of myself and try new physical activities came speeding back to me.

This year, when I got serious about getting to my goal weight and reaching the best fitness of my life, I decided to start archiving my shoes and the things we’ve done together. The shoes themselves were turned over to RunTex to be donated to someone who can use them. But I’ve taken photos and kept track of the things we’ve accomplished together.

  • Mizuno Wave Runner 10 | October 2007 – March 2008 •
  • Joined CrossFit Central Bootcamp
  • Started following the Zone
  • Got my butt to three CrossFit Central UTBs
  • Started a 5k running program
  • Lost 13 lbs.

  • Mizuno Wave Precision 8 | March 2008 – September 2008 •
  • Joined CrossFit Women Indoor
  • Won 3rd place in the Spartan Challenge
  • Ran in the Keep Austin Weird 5k, the Bat Run 5k, the Moonlight Maragarita Run 5k, the Run for the Peanut Butter Bars, and the Nike+ Human Race 10k
  • Started a half marathon training program
  • Lost 7 lbs., 18 inches, 3% body fat

On Saturday, I went to RunTex for my new shoes. Can’t wait for all the adventures I’ll have in my new blue and silver Brooks!

The Best Version of Ourselves 2018

The post below was originally published in 2011, and it's been updated each year to reflect where I am in my life and the new...

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A Little Respect (Strength Monday 7/8/13)

In my quest for lean superhero-ness, Dave and I are hitting the craptastic gym in our Converse to lift heavy stuff and work on skills...

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