Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreMy report from September 11, 2009, faithfully submitted for your review…
Hrs of sleep:
8 (10:00-ish to 6:00)Veggies:
1/2 c sweet potato
1/2 c snap peas
1/2 carrot
1/2 red pepper
1/2 cucumber
4 c lettuce
1 c cauliflower
1 c okra
1/4 c onions
1/3 c eggplantFruit:
1/2 c strawberries
1 banana
1/2 c pineapple
3/4 LarabarTraining:
4 rounds, 2@ 1:00 per station, 2@ :30 per station
- Double-unders
- Push press, 15-lb. dbs
- Frog jumps
- Pushup + T-rotation, 10-lb. db
- Russian twists, 10-lb. ball
Partner med ball, 10-lb. ball
2 rounds:
- 15 2-tap Russian twist + overhead throw
- Sprint w/ ball
- 10 Wall ball
The skinny
The workout was incredibly, amazingly, unbelievably sweaty. And fun. And I couldn’t stop thinking about the impending Women’s CrossFit Challenge.
My double-under high was 11 in a row. How can it possibly hurt so much to be whipped by that dumb little plastic rope?!
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreWe could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....
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Mel – that is quite the veggie list. Is it wrong to be jealous of someone's veggies?
12 hours + 2 hour nap
Still no workout. Hoping to get back to it next week.