A Week in the Zone: Saturday

I learned a few things posting my food logs for the week:

  1. It’s a lot harder to remember to photograph your food than you’d think it would be.
  2. I write in a Weight Watchers food diary every day, but doing “double duty” and posting to my blog made me feel both more accountable and more aware of what I’m doing, so I think I’m going to stick with the blog reporting for another week — maybe for the entire I AM CROSSFIT Challenge.
  3. I’m such a creature of habit. Check out my breakfasts all week!
  4. Cabbage rules.
  5. My energy and hunger/appetite are best-managed when I eat two servings of veggies and one serving of fruit at lunch. When I swap one of those piles of veg for fruit, I get hungrier sooner. Sorry, whole grapefruit; you’re bad news for me.
  6. My home computer is significantly slower than my work computer, and it makes me want to bash my head against the desk (hence the laziness mentioned below regarding lunch photo).

My last photo montage:
[Read left to right, top to bottom]

Pre-Workout, 8:15 a.m.
Advocare Catalyst

Breakfast, 10:00 a.m.
3 blocks P+C+F, 7 WW points
Torchy’s Taco:
egg+bacon+potato on a flour tortilla
decaf coffee

Lunch, 12:00 p.m.
3 blocks P+C, 6 blocks F, 7 WW points
3 oz. grilled chicken
1 c Ethiopian cabbage
1 c French cut green beans
1/2 apple
12 almonds

fish oil, glucosamine, Juice Plus

Snack, 4:00 p.m.
2 blocks P+C+F, 4 WW points
1 c milk
1 tablespoon protein powder
1/2 c blueberries
6 almonds

Dinner, 6:30 p.m.
3 blocks P+C, 6 blocks F, 7 WW points
4 oz. extra-lean ground beef
1 c cabbage
1 c zucchini
10 olives + 9 almonds
1 c strawberries

Snack, 9:30 p.m.
1/2 c low-fat ice cream (New flavor! Hard to resist. clearly I have an ice cream problem this week. I blame hormone poisoning.)

Now Is Not The Time

Today, I want to talk about hormone poisoning. No, not my broke-ass thyroid induced "sometimes I'm energetic, sometimes I'm sleepy" thing. We're tackling the once...

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Take THAT, Hormone Poisoning

Gentlemen: If you're squeamish, you might want to avert your eyes. I'm going to share some girly details with my lady friends. You're welcome to...

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