Since 2009, I've completed a handful of Whole30 months, usually when I was (a) trying to get a grip on what was happening with my...
Read MoreFive Paleo Dinners To Cook Next Week #65
We’re melting in Prague this week! It hit the low 90s (34C!) and now it’s hovering in the high-and-humid 80s. This makes me wilty and grumpy. Even a walk along the river couldn’t turn my day around yesterday because every step was a burning inferno.
I’ve been spending as much time as possible reading a book directly in front of the fan.
I’ve currently got three books going at once: The Secret History of Jane Eyre (which I expected to love and I’m just not sure yet), The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend (30% in, very sweet so far), and Rick Steves Venice (because we’re going there in September). On Sunday morning, I stayed in bed until 11:00 a.m. so I could finish The Monsters of Templeton which I loved a lot. As I said on Goodreads, “This is one of those books that makes me want to hurry back to reading it when I’m out living my life…. There’s a LOT going on in this story, but not in a bad way—it’s very representative of how messy real life is, I think. Much of the story is told by different narrators—catnip to me—and it had an overall grace and sweetness that I liked. Great characters. Small town intrigue. Family secrets. Plus, a monster. (That’s not giving anything away. It’s in the first sentence.)” (Pssst… we can be friends on Goodreads.)
Anyway, I’m more interested in stories that whisk me away than food right now because it’s too hot (words I never thought would enter my mind). But… we all still need to eat, hot or not. (Do you remember Hot or Not?! The only site more abyssmal than MySpace.) Anyway. Food! Here are some recipes that taste great and don’t require much work from you—because I think you’re hot and cool.
Dinner Ideas (Whole30 compliant)
Italian Hoagie Salad from Well Fed Weeknights
This is one of my favorite recipes ever. HOAGIES!
Cookup Tips: It’s the best part of a sub without the bun, and it can be thrown together in about 10 minutes. This taste best when it’s tossed just before eating, but if you wanted to get a jump on it, you could pre-julienne the deli meats. Note: Not Whole30 compliant.
Recommended Sides: It’s everything you need in one delicious bowl!

Chicken Nanking from Well Fed 2
Cookup Tips: Start the marinade process during your Cookup and cook the chicken the next day. You can also prep the veggies and sauce in advance and store covered in the fridge until you’re ready to cook.
Recommended Sides: You will definitely want to serve this on a bed of Oven-Roasted Cauliflower Rice. You can grate the raw cauliflower into rice during your Cookup, then cook it just before eating.

Deconstructed Sushi Bowl from Well Fed Weeknights
Inspired by: All the delicious sushi I ate when I lived in San Francisco.
Cookup Tips: Rice and cook the cauliflower and store it in an airtight container in the fridge. When it’s time to eat, prep the other ingredients while you reheat the rice.
Recommended Sides: No sides necessary! It’s got everything you need in one bowl. YAY!
Meat & Spinach Muffins from Well Fed
Cookup Tips: These taste great (or maybe better!) on days 2 and 3, and they freeze well, too. Make a batch (or a double batch) during your Cookup and enjoy them all week long. They’re delicious as a main meal with a salad, cold out of the fridge for a snack, or sliced in half, grilled in a pan, and topped with eggs for breakfast… plus there are plenty of spice variations so you can keep it interesting.
Recommended Sides: I like these with a simple salad on the side with a luscious dressing (like, maybe, Creamy Italian.)

Buffalo Chicken Chopped Salad from Well Fed
Cookup Tips: Make the dressing, poach the chicken, and chop the vegetables in advance, then when it’s time to eat, just toss it together and dig in.
Recommended Sides: The gift of a salad like this is that it features protein, veggies, and fat, so you don’t need to add a thing. But if you want to, Crispy Sweet Potato Fries are a yummy choice.
Two Sweet Treats

Spiced-Nut Vanilla Coconut Ice Cream
Cookup Tips: Make the base during your Cookup in just a few minutes, then chill in the fridge until you’re ready to churn it into ice cream. Happy summer! Note: Not Whole30 compliant.

Berries & Coconut Cream
Cookup Tips: Make the caramelized coconut chips and pop the coconut milk into the fridge during your Cookup, then whip the milk into cream just before serving.
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Mel, I spent a full minute trying to grasp how a person could feel “witty and grumpy” without totally cracking herself up. When my eyes and my brain finally synced up, a little fun went out of my morning. Thanks for the mental exercise!
Just wanted to say that I love what you are doing here! Love the recipes and the consistency! Thank you! 🙂
You are so nice to say so! Thank YOU! I’m glad it’s helpful. Happy cooking!