Way back in the day, when we lived on a houseboat in Sausalito, California, I had way more time than money, so I made...
Read MoreTuesday 10: Paleo Pumpkin Recipes
I tried to deny it, but I can’t resist. The internet has given me Pumpkin Fever.
Everywhere I click, there are orange-colored treats beckoning me to indulge in the warm spiciness. I don’t even drink coffee, but I’m convinced my day would be perfect if I could just sip a pumpkin spice latte. I’m distracted by the idea of adding pumpkin to everything. (No! Not pumpkin. If I’m being honest, it’s really pumpkin spice I want.) Pumpkin soup? Yes! Pumpkin baked goodies? I don’t really eat those, but OK! Pumpkin added to stew? I’m in!
In case you’re afflicted, too, here’s some science on pumpkin so you can defend your seasonal predilection, just in case it comes up: one cup of pumpkin includes 200% the RDA of Vitamin A, along with beta-carotene, potassium, copper, calcium, potassium, and B-6.
Not convinced? How about folklore and pop culture instead?
According to folklore, we owe our thanks for jack-o’-lanterns to a blacksmith named… Jack. A wiley one, was our Jack, and he tricked Satan into agreeing to never steal Jack’s soul. But Jack was too sinful for Heaven and was doomed to wander after his death. He complained that he couldn’t see where he was going without a light, so the devil tossed him a glowing ember that would never be extinguished. Jack placed the ember inside a turnip — Jack’s favorite veggie! — and carried it with him on his quest for an eternal resting place. He became known as Jack of the Lantern.
And we can’t forget other significant cultural references to pumpkins! Cinderella and her carriage, The Great Pumpkin in Peanuts, the Headless Horeseman’s pumpkin in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow… and the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.
As my pal Ferris so eloquently put it: “Pumpkin became an American cultural phenomenon associated with fall, Thanksgiving, and Halloween through a mixture of old Halloween/All Hallows’ Eve/Samhain practices, its part in the first Thanksgiving, color association, seasonal readiness, association with rural customs, and Starbucks.”
And now, let’s celebrate this wholly American ritual with some paleo pumpkin recipes!
Not all of these recipes are Whole30 compliant, so if you’re doing a Whole30, read the ingredients lists with an eagle eye!
10 Paleo Pumpkin Recipes
1. Paleo Pumpkin Bars – Elana’s Pantry
2. Creamy Paleo Bacon Pumpkin Soup – Fed & Fit
3. Paleo Pumpkin Pie – Cook Eat Paleo
4. Crockpot Paleo Pork and Pumpkin Chili – Primally Inspired
5. Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes – Balanced Bites
6. Savory Roasted Pumpkin with Beef Short Ribs – Mark’s Daily Apple
7. Pumpkin Spice Latte – Stupid Easy Paleo
8. Creamy Pumpkin “Pasta” – Jan’s Sushi Bar
9. Dairy-Free Pumpkin Spice Creamer – The Coconut Mama
10. Paleo Sweet Potato Gratin – Meatified
Turn it up to 11: Spicy Pumpkin-Spiced Pepitas

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Pumpkin fever has also got to me! The pork/pumpkin chili up there looks absolutely divine.
Thank you so much for these goodies! My boyfriend adores pumpkin pie, but since we’ve gone Paleo (for my health, bless him, he is so supportive) he has regretfully abstained. Now I can make him his fave for his birthday without making him go gluten friendly!
Awesome roundup! Thanks so much for including my soup recipe, Mel! 🙂
Thanks for a few ideas that are Whole30 approved. I’m on day 9 but dying to get into the pumpkin spirit.
Congratulations on Whole30-ing! The Pumpkin-Spiced Pepitas are great for Whole30 if you just omit the coconut sugar. They still taste really good. Happy Fall to you!
Woohoo! Buying some pumpkins (for decorating AND eating) at farmers market this weekend.
I’m surprised you haven’t included a recipe for pumpkin spice. ..I consider spivs mixes to kind of be your thing!it’s my favourite thing that I’ve learnt from you and in this case really necessary…I live in the uk and (shock horror) we don’t get pumpkin spice mixes…I don’t even know what’s in them or what they taste like (although I can guess) so I’d love to know if you do have your own spice mix!
I do! It’s the spices on the Pumpkin-Spiced Pepitas, minus the sugar and cayenne. But if I have time today, I’ll post it so you can make it in bigger quantities.
Great round up of recipes! Thanks for including my pumpkin spice coffee creamer. 🙂
~ Tiffany
That pumpkin coffee creamer sounds really good! Thanks for the list!