Vote: Paleo Magazine Best of 2013


WOOT! I’m excited to announce that my work has been nominated in Paleo Magazine‘s Best of 2013 Awards. I would love your vote, if you like my stuff.

These are the categories where I could really use your vote:

There are also a ton of other most-excellent paleo people and products in the nominations. Vote with your heart!

Go here to vote! Thank you!


Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place

My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...

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Rants & Rave: 25 April 2020

We could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....

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  • Melanie says:

    Done!Get those awards, girl! You deserve ’em.

  • Stompy says:

    OMG! I got notification from Amazon that well fed 2 has shipped!!! Soooooo excited. Ok, off to vote

  • melissa says:

    I got my notification, today, yesterday am when I got up at 0230!! That was a nice thing to wake up to!! I am very excited and cannot wait to cook, cook, cook new stuff!!-

  • Catherine says:

    Congratulations! You deserve the recognition. Thank you for you informativem entertaining, and delicious blog n recipes! Can’t wait to get your newest cookbook!

  • Karla says:

    It took no urging to vote for Well Fed 2. According to Amazon, I should have my copy on Friday. I am so looking forward to my weekend cooking!

  • Kelly R says:

    Well Fed 2 is on it’s way! I can’t wait to cook next weekend!

  • Faith says:

    Just got notification email from Amazon that WF2 is shipping! Except…Estimated delivery date = 22 Nov.

    *sad trombone*

    Damn you, Australia, for being halfway around the world. I want to cook from WF2 right now!

  • Lauren says:

    OMG, literally JUST received my copy of Well Fed 2 about five minutes ago, and I’m already counting down the hours and minutes until I can leave work and start cooking!

    • Mel says:

      That’s so awesome! What are making first?!

    • telly says:

      Me too! It’s beautiful. I feel like I’m 9 & just went shopping for school supplies. 🙂 I can’t wait to play with Well Fed 2!

      BTW, I tried to access the link to order the ebook for $1 but the link didn’t work for me (page not found).

      • Mel says:

        That’s on our to-do list for today! Amazon started shipping books early and we didn’t have everything quite ready on the web site 🙂

        Give us a day or two, and it should be working.

        • telly says:

          No problem – I figured as much. Just glad to have my copy early (even if it means a little more work for you ;)).

  • Erin says:

    Hi Mel! I am a recent convert to clean eating Paleo-style, inspired and encouraged by some of the fantastic people at my CrossFit gym. I am so glad I found your blog and Well Fed and I’m SUPER excited to get my copy of Well Fed 2. You make me feel like it’s within my reach to cook healthy clean food on a regular basis. “No big deal.” 🙂 Thanks for your blog and all you share. Big fan.

    • Mel says:

      Thank YOU for stopping by to let me know you’re enjoying Well Fed. Wait ’til you see WF2! Congratulations on making the switch to paleo. YAY!

  • Carmen Vela says:

    October 17th marked a month since I started preparing foods from Well Fed. I weighed myself on that day and I’ve lost 10 lbs. since the last time I was weighed at the doctor’s on July 24th. I believe that Well Fed recipes speeded up the weight loss. I’ve been doing DVD workouts and yoga since August. Since I’m 57 years old, it takes more dedication to get the weight off. Most importantly, I’m hoping my cholesterol and A1C numbers have improved. Don’t want to be on diabetes medication. The food is delicious and savory.

    • Mel says:

      Congratulations on your new eating habits and weight loss. That’s AWESOME! Hope you’re feeling great… and yes, I hear you: I’m 45 and it’s much tougher to see results now then when I was younger, but it is possible, so GOOD FOR YOU for going after it.