Well Fed in Barnes & Noble


October is paleo month at Barnes & Noble! The store let us know that they’re running a paleo promotion in many of their stores across the country, so you might see Well Fed — along with a bunch of other paleo cookbooks — on endcaps and promo tables throughout the stores. Neat, right?! It’s pretty great to have a mainstream retailer highlight our “fringe” movement this way.

The photos above are from Langhorne, Pennsylvania and Huntsville, Alabama. If you see Well Fed in your local Barnes & Noble, can you snap a photo and send it my way (melissa@theclothesmakethegirl.com)? Thanks a bunch!


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  • Kristina says:

    Oh, I NEED to go to Barnes & Noble now! I really want a few more Paleo cookbooks. And how awesome to see yours out! If I ever publish a book (I write fiction), I can imagine it’s going to be such a thrill to see it on a shelf in a bookstore.

  • Rebecca says:

    That is great news and congrats! Will they be stocking Well Fed 2? I actually bought my copy at a local B&N in Calfornia a month ago and they had it sitting front and center on their cookbook wall.

    I am new to Paleo eating and out of all the resources I have purchased your’s is my favorite. Thank you!

    • Mel says:

      We’ve had orders from B&N for Well Fed 2, but they don’t tell us which stores specifically will be carrying it. The best thing to do if you want to buy there is to call and request it.

      So glad you like the original Well Fed. Thanks!

    • KellyBrown says:

      Yes, we will be carrying Well Fed 2 as a book available at BN. Availability will go based on store orders and demographics. But as someone who works at BN, if you want it in YOUR store, go in and ask for it. They will get copies in for you. I work at the Evanston, IL store and we have a HUGE Paleo endcap, which is so great to see for a million different reasons, not just because I recommend Well Fed to everyone!

  • Ellen says:

    Loving your first cookbook. I haven’t gotten the Sunday prep down pat yet, but when I can manage it, it makes a world of difference on the days I ride my bike to work and the end of the work week–typically my “too tired to cook” days. Thanks a bunch

  • Sue says:

    Hi Mel,
    I’m pretty new to reading your blog but I’ve bought a copy of Well Fed and it is my new cooking bible. I really love how simple and flat out delish your food is. I’ve tried out at least 20 recipes from the book and each one completely fabulous!
    Cannot wait for Well Fed 2!!!!

  • Tara C says:

    I am so glad I purchased your PDF copy. I loaned out my paper copy of Well Fed to my friend who was doing Whole30 in September and I realize that would have been a huge mistake without my backup copy. I have come to rely on it so much! I am going to have to tell her to buy her own 🙂 I have already pre-ordered Well Fed 2 and am very excited for the release!