It’s Friday Already?!


I know that the arrival of Friday should be cause for celebration — I’m just flummoxed to realize it’s here already! I’ve written so many blog posts in my head this week: an update on my thyroid situation (headline: I’m good!), a new recipe, a kickass collection of Rants & Raves, tales from under the barbell, yoga news. All written… IN MY HEAD.

Instead of typing, I spent the week taking our next-to-last batch of Well Fed 2 recipe photos, in between lying on the couch and moaning because of monthly cramps. WOOT!

I owe you so much better than the silly video below, but I must go eat breakfast and get to yoga. Because while I’ve been neglecting you horribly, I’ve kept my commitment to self care. I’ve skipped blog updates, but I’ve gone to the gym to lift heavy things, hit the trail to run sprints and walk, and meditated every day (EVERY DAY!) for the last week, plus hit my kundalini classes.

This is a first for me: Work has been hectic, but I haven’t let my to-do list trump my “deposits in the good health bank” list. I have NEVER done this before, and I’m so pleased that it worked this time. It only took almost 45 years, but I did it!

But that means instead of a well-written post that may change your life with its brilliance (ahem), I have this to offer instead — a 9-second video that will probably make you laugh.

How are you? Give me updates!


Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place

My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...

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Rants & Rave: 25 April 2020

We could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....

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  • Stacey says:

    I taught our dogs with popcorn – works great and not so big that they can’t catch it. I started real close and progressively got further away….your little guy is hilarious. I loved how he just laid there after he flipped over!

  • Jennifer D says:

    Kudos to you for self care! Don’t worry about us, we’ll be here when life isn’t so hectic. Having said that, I can’t wait for your next book!

  • Emily says:

    So you’re saying it only takes just under 45 years to learn how to care for yourself? Oh good, then I only have a decade left to figure it out!

    Seriously, you’re writing A BOOK. That’s the equivalent of, like, 10,000 blog posts. Keep taking care of yourself so you can come with full bloggy force when it’s finished!

  • Lydia says:

    GO, YOU!!! Congratulations for putting the best version of yourself first.

    I’m slogging along. Thyroid panels came back super bad, but adrenals might be improving. I’m happily taking the good with the bad right now, although with the (to be quite honest) WRETCHED thyroid results, I’m reconsidering my hopes of returning to heavy lifting next month.

    *le sigh*

    Will talk to my naturopath about that next week when we discuss my numbers.

  • NJ Paleo says:

    I laughed out loud at that poor puppy! How cute!!!! Good for you that you’re taking care of yourself! That’s so important! Now go lift some more heavy stuff, girl!

  • Kay Hart says:

    I don’t know how old, I mean young, I was when I stopped putting alot of things on my to-do list. I just know that I feel better when it is small.

  • Tom R. says:

    Sounds to me like you’ve got your priorites straight (or at least straighter). Glad to read you are doing well.

    And randomly speaking of dog treats, my dog’s current favorites are baby spinach leaves and pork rinds. He comes RUNNING when he hears those bags.

  • Martha says:

    You had a great week! I LOL at the puppy clip, too. I love how humans can grow, improve, mess up, forgive ourselves, move on, start over, and be proud. Thanks for your inspirational words and thoughts, even if most of them are still in your head.

  • nalani says:

    No matter what, puppy is loving life and so are you!

  • mlou says:

    I needed to hear that – you are such an inspiration. To-do-list vs. living a life BRILLIANT!

  • Sandy G. says:

    I am trying so hard to make time for me, but it seems I always get derailed.

    No kids, great husband and crazy-busy professional life.

    How do you do it?

  • Leslie says:

    Hilarious video! Thanks for that. Kudos on self-care, too. You are setting a good example for the rest of us.