Knife Skills (& Strength Monday)

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In my quest for lean superhero-ness, I’m following the Wendler 5/3/1 strength training program. Twice a week, Dave and I are hitting the craptastic gym in our Converse to lift heavy and crank through a mini-metcon.

Honing my edge.

Tonight is my knife skills class at Whole Foods. I’m wondering… should I bring my own costume for the knife throwing portion of the training, or do you think they have a trunk of costumes for us to chose from?

My Strength Workout

5:00 elliptical
straight-leg march
should mobility w/ PVC
10 PVC back squats + 10 good mornings
10 PVC front squats + 10 good mornings


3 @ 70% of max = 125#
3 @ 80% of max = 145#
max reps @ 90% of max = 160# – I did 7.

Overhead Press:
3 @ 70% of max = 60#
3 @ 80% of max = 70#
max reps @ 90% of max = 80# – I did 3. And they were wobbly!


Nada. I wanted to get home and get to work.

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