Welcome to the final virtual meeting of our book club and our discussion of Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas! (If you don't know...
Read MoreBook Club: Primal Body, Primal Mind
I’m delighted that so many of you were inspired by my post about Nora Gedgaudas’s presentation at the AHS last week. Our online book club is officially kicking off!
If you’d like to join us, all you need to do is get a copy of Nora’s book Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life and start reading. It would be great if participants post to comments to let me know you’re officially in. I think it would be fun to know how many of us are reading together – and it would be nice to let Nora know about the burgeoning fan club we’ve got going over here.
UPDATE 9/12/11: You are welcome to join us and chime in to the discussion anytime. I’ll keep the comments on each discussion post open, and I read/respond to every comment. You can find our first discussion here: http://meljoulwan.com/2011/08/29/primal-body-primal-mind-qa1/
The Timeline
I’m arbitrarily dividing the book into roughly 100-page segments for us to discuss together. I propose that we have a discussion at the end of each section on the following dates:
Chapters 1-9 – Monday, August 29
Chapters 10-23 – Monday, September 19
Chapters 24-31 – Friday, September 30
For our discussion, I’ll post a few questions to you to get the ball rolling, and you can post to comments, then I’ll do a follow-up post that consolidates the opinions that get tossed around. Sound good?
Thanks in advance for playing along! If this experiment works, we can tackle other books together in the new year.
Time to Commit
If you’re in, please post to comments and let us know…
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Welcome to the first virtual meeting of our book club and our discussion of Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas! (If you don't know...
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I’m in!
I’m in!
Just ordered the book, will be here in two days! Very excited!
Would like to… have to order the book!
I am SO in! Thanks for doing this. Will be getting the book tomorrow!
I’m in!
I’m in, too! I just ordered it, I hope it arrives soon! This will be great to have like-minded people to discuss this with, instead of just thinking it over in my head!
I’m in as long as I don’t have to write a book report!
I am in. I actually just finished reading last week, so I welcome the chance to discuss it!!
Oh big fat KAPOW!I’m in
Are lurkers welcome? I love your site, have probably cooked most of your great recipes, and follow you over at whole9. I have the book, and would like to participate. It sounds like fun!
I have ordered the book already. If it gets here in time, I am totally in.
ooh! I am in. I just got the book a few days ago and just found your blog yesterday. Hooked on both!
This is awesome! I ordered her book right after reading your post. Love that you’re doing this! IN!
I’m in! My copy from Amazon should be here tomorrow!
I’m in! Don’t have the book yet, but I love a good excuse to head to the bookstore.
I’m in! I just picked this up last month to add to my summer reading list.
I’m in! Thank you for doing this!
I’m in! Just waiting on my copy to show up…
In. Thanks for organizing this–cannot wait!
I’m in. Thanks!
I’m in! Can’t wait. I love a good Book Club, especially a Paleo themed one!
In! My copy arrived yesterday! Thanks!
I’m in. I will order the book today!
Can’t wait!!!
I’m in. Just kindle’d it. Ha!.. paleo book nerds. Thank you for doing this!
I’m in!
Count me in!
Yay – what a brilliant idea – I’m in too!
I’ve been wanting to read Nora’s book since listening to her on the Latest In Paleo podcast. But stuff gets in the way… so thank you for the opportunity to make it a priority.
I’ve never done a book club before, I’m in!
I’m in too!
I’m definitely in for the last 2 discussions (I’m away on August 26). Thanks for putting this together!
Hey there! Just found your website. I would like to join. I read the first edition and am ready to read the second one…
Nora is speaking for a conference my partner is setting up in October (http://realfoodandresistance.wordpress.com/) so I need to get refreshed on the info!
Your conference looks super smart and awesome. YAY! Glad you’re joining us.
I’m in!!
You guys! This is so great! Thanks for joining me.
I’ve got my book in hand, started it last night and today’s bus ride home is devoted to really digging in. Have fun getting started — first discussion next week. WOOT! I feel smarter and healthier already
I am so in:D Going to order it now!!
I’m in!
I’m in! Thanks for organizing.
just bought it for my kindle! awesome!
I got my book tonight (on sale- woohooo). I’m in!
I am also in. I’ve ordered my copy of the book. Thanks for doing this.
i just got my copy today, so i’m joining in!
Hi – I freaking love your blog, but this is my first time commenting. Thanks for all of the great recipes – its good to know going paleo doesn’t mean giving up on eating DELICIOUS food. Have just ordered the book – hopefully it arrives in NZ in time!!
New Zealand! What fun! Welcome and thanks for de-lurking to say hi. I’m so glad to know you like the recipes.
You haven’t steered me wrong yet–considering I’ve been stalking your site for less than a week.
Kindled (is that a word?).
Yes, I believe that “Kindled” is, in fact, now a word. Yay and oh, my. What a time we live in!
I’m going to try to get a copy in time to join in! I might have to play catch up a bit.
Started reading the book last week, and luckily just found your site
Neato! Glad you found us.
I’m most definitely in as well! I am so happy about this!!
This is my first book club, EVER! I’ve got the book on my iPad…
This is my first book club ever, too! I’m so excited to have so many smartypants joining in.
yay – I just got my copy!
I am joining! Woo! My book should come this weekend and I can dig in.
It’s very good that this happened! I was thinking of undertaking some of Nora’s ideas — a more fat-based diet for mood regulation — independently of knowing who she was. Then you posted a link to her slides and started a book club! Fortuitous!
Yes, thank you! I have many questions about this diet, and look forward to learning more about it in this book. Ordering it now.
Looking forward to reading this with you- Nora was my #1 fav at AHS! My book should be here any day now!!!
Can’t wait! Great idea!
Just got it so a little late on starting but I can catch up on reading this weekend. I’m in!
I am in…on my third copy….keep giving it away to loved ones!
I’m a few days late, but definitely in!
It sailed in on my Kindle yesterday and I’m into it. Thanks for this opportunity!
I’m in. Great idea…a book club I can take with me wherever I am living! My book will arrive in juuust enough time for a quick 9 chapter cram session. Just like my college days.
Count me in!
I listened to Nora speak at the AHS in LA and have been reading her book as well. I am down for thought provoking discussions. Thank you for making this happen.
I’m new here. I just ordered the book and will have it in 2 days. Can’t wait!
NYC Go Gotham Girls!
Yay! I LOVE paleo-fueld Derby girls. Welcome!
yay! I’m in too!
Sweet! Hi, Tara! Nice to see you again!
I’m in! I am almost done with it, but I think I need to reread certain parts.
Thanks, would love to join in- this is a dense book and I need help decifering it all.
I am in, so excited. I will be traveling and will read on the plane and check in at the hotel.
I’m in too….
I’m in!
I have loved all of Nora’s work and your informative, delicious website. I am excited.
I’m so glad I found this blog and book group! I read PBPM and said “I can do this”, and I have, for 5 weeks. Problem is — I’ve gained weight! But I don’t have the carb cravings and I don’t feel hungry, so I don’t want to just give up.
I hope that by re-reading the book and listening to you all discuss it, I might find something that I’ve missed or need to do to make this work. Thanks!
Count me in!
Hooray! Welcome everyone!
Our first discussion is this Friday, August 26 — and we’ll be tackling chapters 1-9. I just finished reading that section yesterday and put together the questions to spark our discussion. Looking forward to it!
I just got back from vacation and read about the book club! I am totally on board and looking forward to Friday!
Just got the book and going to try to read all 9 chapters before friday!
I’m in…gotta go get the book tonight and start reading!!
Just bought a kindle today for the purpose of downloading a copy of the book. I might be a little behind but I’m going to try to get the reading in so I can be up to date with the discussion. Looking forward to it though!
*Ducks head* Umm … I am just wondering if we could move things ahead one week? Seems like a bunch of us just ordered the book, apparently it’s fairly dense reading, and probably a lot of us are still waiting to receive the book. Mine is not here yet. Just a thought. Ignore if you wish!
I also just got the book today and will try to read all I can before the discussion starts.
What do you say, friends? Sounds like a few people could use more time for the first chunk of the book. Any complaints if we push the first “meeting” to Monday?
Monday would be great for me! Thanks!
That would be great for me! I’m stretched for time during the week but this weekend I could finish all the chapters. PLEEEZE let’s change to Monday!
I’m so in if the first meeting gets moved. I just got my copy today! Puleeze!!!!
Ok. It’s official – first meeting moved to Monday. Get reading, people!
Whew! I’ve been checking in this weekend and almost emailed to see if I were missing the discussion. I work for the next four days (meaning very limited internet time) but I am really looking forward to the discussion. There are things I question, stuff she references that I want to learn more about…I’m hoping with all of us discussing I’ll learn a few things. And this is on the wrong thread, but…We had an overnight guest and I whipped up the comfort noodles (I was having a craving) and I’m sure when the guest saw zucchini for breakfast he was concerned. (Previously, he wanted to thank us for letting him crash by taking us to IHOP.) Fortunately it went over REALLY WELL…maybe the guest was just being polite, but hubby and I slurpped down everything…8 zucchini’s and 8-10 eggs. Sooooo good!
Hey, Dana! I’m glad you’re feeling enthusiastic about our book club. I can’t wait to see what everyone has to say!
Nice job, introducing a “civilian” to the idea of veg for breakfast. Love it!
I’m in.
Thank you.
Phew! Forgot about this, thank goodness for your facebook update today. Ran out and got the book just now. I’m in for Monday!
Monday is perfect!!!!
Wow, I just happen to have just started this book. Hopefully I’ll get to the end of Chapter 9 by Monday!
I am in!
so glad i didn’t miss it!
I am in!
Late to the game, but I’m in!
I know I’m past the deadline of the first discussion, but could I still join in? I’ve been working my way through this book and would love to see what you all are saying about it!
Absolutely. Chime in anytime. I’m going to keep the comments open, and I read/respond to every comment. You can find our first discussion here:
I’m totally reading this. Ordered it on your recommendation and then completely forgot about the reader’s club! I would love to join even though I’m late.
I am so late! I just bought it on Kindle and I will try to catch up to you all by the 30th!!! I can’t wait. I am in the whole30 challenge right now just starting so I found out about your blog here. I tried the Primal Blueprint before I have a good basis for this stuff but I need more to make it a permanent part of my life. I’m about 80% primal!