A Middle Of The Road Workout For The Middle Of The Week

I’m almost afraid to type the following words because they’re sure to jinx me: our workout this morning was just fine. Of course, that means there’s probably something brutal planned for tomorrow or Friday. But today is today. The workout was fine. And I’m so fantastically good with that.

5 sets:
3 snatch grip, behind-the-neck push press
3 OH squats
rest :90
:10 pushups
rest :90

press + squat = 38 – 43 – 43 – 53 – 53
pushups = 6 – 6 – 6 – 5 – 5

5 rounds:
100m sprint
60 jump rope singles
My time: 5:36

The behind-the-neck, wide-grip push press were a shocker! Who knew moving my hands a few inches further apart and planting that bar behind my neck would make my beloved push press feel SO foreign. Lyssa recently posted about a press+overhead squat comb she does and just when I was suffering workout envy, I found that combo in my workout. Win!

That little WOD was over so quickly! I’ve never before wished so desperately that I could reliably string together some double-unders. On a good day, I can get 9 or 10 with a single in between before I whip myself on the shins or the tricep with the rope. But that’s not good enough for a WOD that this morning’s little barn-burner, so I was scaled down to singles.

Double-unders: you’re on notice. I’m coming for you.

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Rants & Rave: 25 April 2020

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