Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreAfter yesterday’s workout, I felt a little like I’d gone a few rounds with this:
But I was remarkably psyched for this morning’s workouts at CrossFit Austin. My no-cheat eating plan is finally, FINALLY making me feel energetic, strong, and light on my feet. Finally.
We had two WODs today… it was like a free-with-purchase treat! (As an aside… this morning, I heard a promo on the radio: “Buy an energy drink, get a free Snickers bar!” Seriously.)
15 minutes of snatch practice
(Fun! And hard. And somewhat painful. But fun!)WOD
5 rounds:
:30 wall balls / rest :30
:30 kipping pullups (blue band) / rest:30
:30 jump rope/double-unders / rest :30then…
5 rounds:
:30 push press, 35# / rest :30
:30 jumping lunges / rest :30
200m run
My time: 29:01
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreWe could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....
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Wonder if they are suggesting using the snickers bar to recover from the crash after the energy drink or vise versa? Easier to just eat clean.
That made me laugh! Thank you for the giggle…
Yay healthy food high energy levels! I know the feeling, it took almost 15 days for it to really kick in for me this time around. Feels great though.