Did you hear that? It was the sound of me bashing my own skull against my coffee table. There I was, sipping Bengal Spice tea,...
Read MoreMy Heart Is Broken
UPDATE: I just got off the phone with Victoria’s Secret… the boots are off the web site but they had a pair in my size. I’ll have them by next Wednesday. I am broken-hearted no more!
So… these boots. These PERFECT F*CKING BOOTS, were going to be my prize for hanging tough on my Whole30.
I just went to the Victoria’s Secret site, enticed by a 20% off sale that ends Monday. I was going to buy them NOW and look at them lovingly for the next three weeks, then wear them on Thanksgiving, which is the day after my offical end day.
Thirty-nine days of clean eating were to be celebrated with the second best boots ever. (Read the heartbreaking story of the BEST boots ever here.)
But VS doesn’t have them any more.
They’re just gone!
So I’m actively in search of a similar replacement. If you see anything around the Web, shoot me an email or post to comments. I only have 21 days to find the second best boots ever… again.
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Call them and ask about them. This happened to me once with an overpriced but awesome t-shirt from urban outfitters. By the time I worked up the nerve to splurge on it, it was gone! I called them and described it and asked if they knew where I could get one and they had one left, in my size, in the warehouse. It's a long shot, but worth it.
Sally1 Thanks for the glimmer of hope! I'm going to call them and give it a shot. Fingers crossed!
Dunno. These are sort of similar. Ish.
Not the same look, and straps not laces, and shorter than taller, but who knows. (Googling black stud boots brings up some really – um – interesting footwear!)
Good luck in your search for something to mend that heart!
Ladies… thank you! There are some good contenders out there. Stay tuned for an update!
Ehsa! Those boots were so cheap at Hot Topic, I bought them "just 'cause." I'm still not wearing them 'til I make it through my no-cheat adventure, but they're my "back up" in case the PERFECT boots never materialize.
Yes, I can rationalize anything.
Happy update: Sally, you're a genius! I called VS, and even though the boots are off the site, they had a pair in my size. I'll have them next Wednesday… but I won't be wearing them til Thanksgiving while I'm eating celebratory pumpkin pie
I'm so glad that worked for you, Mel! I know the devastation of losing the perfect shoes. Pre-congratulations on your cleanup.
If they are mysteriously gone on VS call them. I ordered a bunch of halters & wanted ONE more in black and they were just missing from the site one day. i called and they still had them, but sometimes if they have too few they'll take them off the site/ catalogs.