Show Your Appreciation for Whole9 and the Whole30

Fast Company is searching for 2010’s Most Influential Person Online, and I have two more-than-worthy candidates in mind.

I’ve been affected by many powerful people and events this year – one of the most influential has been my friendship with Melissa Urban and Dallas Hartwig of Whole9. Their advice, support, and care have changed not just my eating habits, but my thinking habits.

You know what I realized the other day?

I no longer think about losing weight.

This is HUGE, my friends. Since I went to the fat farm during the summer of 1982, I’ve been distracted by portion sizes, by counting calories, by decreasing the number on the scale – and by beating myself to smithereens when I didn’t see ‘progress.’

CrossFit and my coaches (at CrossFit Central and CrossFit Austin and Whole9) have cured me of those self-defeating thoughts. Now I eat for health and strength and pleasure – not a mean thought about myself or a ‘bad’ food in the mix.

Talk about liberation!

Anyway… if you read my blog or have cooked one of my recipes, you, too, have been influenced by the Whole9 philosophy. Maybe you’ve done the Whole30 – or are considering giving it a try. Or told a friend about eating clean. Or attended a free CrossFit workout. Or tried a CrossFit workout on your own.

If you’ve done any of these things, you’ve been influenced by those good people at Whole9.

And all you have to do to show your appreciation for the knowledge they drop on a regular basis is click right here. That’s it! Just click right here.

Tell those people at Fast Company that the Whole9 is influential – and that we fire-breathing, clean-eating CrossFitters are in training to take over the world!

Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place

My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...

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Rants & Rave: 25 April 2020

We could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....

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  • Anniebug, bugger or BUG. says:

    Done and done! They truly are amazing people!

  • AllieNic says:

    Yes! Great idea! I started reading Urban Gets Diesel about a year ago and my thoughts about food immediately started to change: I too used to count calories and macros like it was my JOB. After being introduced to such a pure, whole, healthy way of eating, I've been freed from my mental food prison…and I credit that largely to what I've learned on Whole9 and other such sites (including yours!)

  • Melissa 'Melicious' Joulwan says:

    AllieNic, good for you! I hear you on the "JOB" thing. Holy schmoly!

  • Lydia says:

    Clicked and done! I like how easy that website makes it. Wow!

    I'm on day 13 of Whole30 and to tell the truth, it's been a breeze–due in no small part to your fantastic dino-chow suggestions. I sent in my Crockpot Carnitas recipe as a suggestion for a Whole9 Steal This Meal posts just this morning!

  • Melissa 'Melicious' Joulwan says:

    Congratulations, Lydia! If you were going to hit a rough patch, you would have felt it by now. FANTASTIC!