Reading is Sexy: Friday Edition

I’ve been disappearing into Dick Francis novels for the last week or so. Ne’er-do-wells and horses and the British belief that hot, sweet tea can cure everything… love it. Perhaps I can get over my allergy to horses and become a steeplechase jockey – I’m mostly brave, and I’m small!

Anyway… I came across two reading-related tidbits today I want to share.

First, the obligatory Jane Eyre mention:

Fuck yeah, Bronte sisters! Who wants to join me next Halloween to dress up as the Brontesaurus Sisters and throw books at people?

Second, the Fug Girls pointed to this today: “Hot Guys Reading Books”… which got me wondering, is there a blog about hot girls reading books? Why, yes, yes there is. The chicks are a bit cheesier than the dudes, but at least Marilyn Monroe is in there to class up the joint.

My Favorite Books of the Last 10 Years

I've heard from so many of you recently that you enjoy my book recommendations. I'm very glad! You can find hundreds of my book reviews...

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The Open Book in Wigtown, Scotland

Let's travel back in time to winter, 2016. My husband David and I were living in White River Junction, Vermont; he was studying for his...

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  • michele says:

    yeah, a BIT cheesier is right 🙂 whatever, books rule!!

    i'm devouring a book i have loooong avoided because i knew it would devastate me: Angela's Ashes.


    at least my eyes are not sore, unless the rest of my newbie-crossfit-destroyed body.