Cool Jerk

For your listening enjoyment while reading this post (and be sure to check out how incredibly gorgeous the hair on each Go-Go looks): Cool Jerk

Friday means Dave and I go to the craptastic gym to throw heavy stuff around. This morning, I did one of the CrossFit Women’s workouts from CrossFit Central:

Press 5-5-5
Push Press 3-3-3
Push Jerk 1-1-1

Cleans and thrusters make me whine like a 3-year-old that doesn’t want to go to bed! [stomp feet] But I’m a sucker for overhead lifts: OH squat, snatch, and the various shoulder presses/pushes. I just love that feeling of tightening up my core and muscling the weight up. Plus, they feel brief. Man! A back squat can feel like it lasts forever, but a push jerk is like a hiccup. Wheeeee!

My weights:
Press 55 – 55 – 55
Push Press 65 – 70 – 70
Push Jerk 80 – 85 – 95

I was tempted on the last push jerk to try 100, but I got scared, so I went for 95. The 95 felt pretty solid, so next time, I’ll definitely attempt 100… or more!

2 rounds, 10-lb. med ball:
10 T-rotations
10 2-tap Russian twist + overhead tap situp

A good workout is like specialty seasoned salt, and my sweet potatoes and eggs were particularly tasty this morning.

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