Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreMy report from September 6, 2009, faithfully submitted for your review…
Hrs of sleep:
9 (HOORAY!)Veggies:
1/2 c tomatoes
3/4 c snap peas
1/3 c eggplant
1/2 red pepper
1 carrot
1.2 c green beans
1 cucumber
1 c snap peasFruit:
1/2 c raspberries
1/2 apple
1 c strawberriesTraining:
The skinny
The good parts of the day were great, and the crampy, hormone-poisoning parts of the day were total crap. The good: napping, watching movies, making delicious food. My commitment to 9 hours of sleep each night is becoming more entrenched, and I’m eager for when it’s habit, rather than novelty.
My overall carb intake was a little lower than on workout days, and I had a treat: one luscious square of Dove dark chocolate. Heaven.
My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...
Read MoreWe could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....
Read More
Sleep: 8.5 hours
1 c mushrooms
1/2 c spinach
2 c mixed greens
3/4 c mushrooms
1/4 c carrots
1/4 c broccoli
a boatload of asparagus with dinner
WOD: 3×5 back squats – 95, 115, 135, 155, 160 (PR!)
Gonna make some baba ganoush this afternoon. YUM!
I tried sugar snap peas the other day, inspired by your posts. Pretty tasty! I'm not sure whether I like them better raw or cooked.
Hey Mel, that veggie list is looking good, and good for you on the sleep!
6 hours 🙁
Rest day
My day started out pretty dang awesome and ended falling of a cliff. Looking forward to getting back on track tomorrow as today was a tough one as well. I am making good progress actually being in bed for at least 8 hours, sleep just doesn't come easy.
Jennifer –> Nice PR on the back squat. Woohoo!
Melissa –> Snap peas are super yummy if you stir-fry them with an equal amount of snow peas… olive oil, crushed garlic, sea salt. YUM. I usually eat them raw 'cause they're easy to grab.
MelG –> Hang in there, doll. It's a process, right? And I think learning to sleep longer is a habit like the rest of this stuff. I'm struggling, too… lots of lying in bed and thinking "You can relax and sleep. Just sleep… don't think about anything." Some nights it works; some it doesn't. Keep on trying. Hugs!
1/3 zuchini (raw)
1/4 yellow squash (raw)
1/5 cucumber
sauteed spinach
sauteed mushrooms
sauteed onions
raw mushrooms
artichokes (that's a veggie right?)
3 radishes (raw)
1/2 cup green beans
lots of leafy greens
I slept from 10:30 to 5:45am with a C+ in quality.
BUT took a nap from 8:30am-10:00am because I could!
And it was great.
Today's not as good eating moment:
Went out for Thai food for dinner and had LOTS of that peanut dipping sauce and while coconut milk is not bad for you…I know I ate way beyond an appropriate quantity. I tried to order sans peppers but some spice snuck its way in there so I'm afraid I had a nightshade.
I love your blog. I just read your may post on getting down to 130 lbs. I can relate.
I'm finally 155 after being 165-169 (5'6") for years and years. After losing and gaining the same 4 pounds on whatever random diet I was trying. 9lbs in 3 weeks on strict paleo. Family keeps saying "Liz, you'll never be really thin, you're just not built that way"
ummmm…. really? My goal is 140 right now.
That may change. Watch out world. You look incredible:)
Little! Your comment came at just the right time. Thanks for taking a few moments to post. Congratulations on your paleo success… and thanks for reminding me to keep the faith on my own Mission 17. My weight has been stuck for a few months. Physically, I'm feeling really good, and my body definitely looks different, but I'm waiting for that weight loss magic to kick in again 🙂
Thank you so much for your compliments — and keep on celebrating how great you're doing!