Team Ninja

We did a team workout this morning, and I partnered with Stephen because he’s usually one step ahead of me – I decided to use that to my advantage this morning. Plus he’s fun and he works hard; love that! We were both wearing all black, so, using my enviable creative skills, I dubbed us BLACK… which somehow became Team Ninja during the course of the workout.

We had to choose three moves from the following and complete a combined 300 reps:

  • handstand pushups
  • renegade rows, 15-lb. dbs
  • double-unders
  • 180-rotation jump squats
  • db cleans

I nixed the cleans because I just did heavy power cleans on Wednesday, and selected renegade rows over handstand pushups. Stephen picked double-unders cause he can do, like, a million in a row.

300 total reps
For time:

  • double-unders
  • renegade rows
  • 180 jump squats

Our time: 13:something (We finished first!)

I did somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-60 renegade rows and maybe 100 squats; Stephen owned the double-unders (102!). Man! The renegade rows are time-eaters, but I love ’em. There’s something wrong with that, I know… but I do: I love the renegade row.


Medicine ball, 10-lbs.

  • 15 overhead throws
  • 20 around-the-world
  • 15 seated chest pass


2 rounds:

  • 15 sprawls, approx. 40 seconds
  • squat hold, 40 seconds
  • sprint snake

Tomorrow is the UTB, then Sunday is my rest day, and we’re going to Sea World with my family. Hello, dolphins!

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