Did you hear that? It was the sound of me bashing my own skull against my coffee table. There I was, sipping Bengal Spice tea,...
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What’s that they say about the best laid schemes of mice and men?
Imagine the scene:
I’m parked at the hotel room desk, updating my blog, reading email, waking up… usual morning stuff. In my peripheral vision, I can see Dave putting on his running clothes.
“Are these my shorts?” he said.
I looked up to see him stuffed in black shorts with the trademark Adidas triple white stripe down the side. But he doesn’t own Adidas shorts… I do.
“You. [guffaw] are. [giggle] wearing. [snort] my. [chuckle] shorts. [giggle][giggle][giggle]. You look like Will Ferrell!”My size medium shorts somehow ended up in his size large drawer at home. Ooops!
Dave pulled my shorts off in disgust, and we formulated a plan: Head to Academy, get him some running shorts in his actual size, THEN hit Reverchon Park.
Done! Plans are made; crisis averted.
I put on my running skirt, tank top, watch, socks… where are my running shoes?
Where. are. my. running. shoes?
They’re sitting back at home in the glamour room, naturally. Because when I left my pile of clothing for Dave to pack while I was at w0rk, I forgot my running shoes.
So now we’re showering and heading to breakfast, because clearly, there is some sinister force at work – or perhaps, a benevolent force protecting us from impending doom on the Turtle Creek Trail.
Whatever. We give.
But we’re doing our AMRAP workout tomorrow in Eilers Park. I WILL run up stone stairs this weekend.
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haha…i love the tags on this post. enjoy your day off, lady! we missed you this morning!
What a morning you two had!
On Wednesday, I distinctly remember waking up with a smile on my face, from a dream I can't remember. And as I glanced over at my phone, I realized it was 5:52 am. That pleasant feeling turned into a panic as I rushed to put clothes on and head out for the 6:30 am class. A little bit of humor, mixed with a little bit of horror.
Enjoy breakfast
LOL! Okay–I would have paid to see him in your shorts! Think of me fondly as you do your AMRAPs….I f**king hate 'em.
Miss you guys!
P.S. I still think it's hella cool that you have a glamour room. I've been in it and it is glamorous indeed.
I found your blog through the post on Byers Gets Deisel, and I've been reading you ever since! You are a riot and an awesome inspiration. I haven't missed a post since I first found you, and I've been reading back some as well. Thanks for blogging so newbies like me can get inspired, both in terms of nutrition and fitness through Crossfit! =)
Thanks, Jessica! I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog — nice to know my F-ups and little triumphs are helpful!
I just read your posts over at Byers Gets Diesel… maybe take a stroll through my posts from last summer. There's plenty of me despairing in there. Getting your diet cleaned up is HARD, man. Anyone who says it's not a) is lying to you; b) is lying to themselves; or c) is not a foodie.
Hang in there!