100 Pushups: Week 6 Workouts

Welcome to week six of the TEAM RELENTLESS 100 Pushup Challenge™! And congratulations! No matter where you fall on the assessment chart, you’ve been pushing yourself to do something new and challenging for five weeks. That deserves celebration and acknowledgement.

And guess what? It’s time for another pushup assessment!

If you want to move on to Week 6 workouts, you need to be able to do 45 consecutive pushups. Is anyone there? I know I’m not!


Here’s how to assess where you are and which workout week you should tackle:

The great news is that you can use the scale above to keep on going with the Pushup Challenge, if you want to. Or you can decide you’re ready to move on to another new challenge — or find another way to continue to work on pushups… neat, right? YOU can decide what you’re going to do next.

If you’re ready, here’s week six workouts:

Where I Stand on the 100 Pushup Challenge
Dave and I had a long conversation about the Hundred Pushups a few days ago, and we came to the conclusion that for us, doing pushups regularly has more value than killing ourselves trying to follow the specific Hundred Pushups workout. Neither of us liked feeling like we “failed” when our assessment numbers didn’t meet the workout requirements. And for Dave, the lack of end date was particularly onerous. If you follow the program as written, it can become an endless loop of pushups and assessments until you reach 100. Which clearly really works for lots of people, but didn’t jibe for us.

In the future, we’d probably do something like, Do your ‘max number of good-form pushups every other day for 12 weeks’ Challenge. The title isn’t as catchy, but I think the results might be better for us.

What do you think? Have you liked the structure of the workouts? Will you keep going ’til you get to 100?

Post in comments and let us know!

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