100 Pushups: Week 4 Workouts

Sorry I’m a little late getting the Week 4 Workouts distributed to y’all. You can always go self-service at Hundred Pushups if I’m in danger of holding you up!

Week 4 is below; next week, we’ll do another assessment.
I know a lot of people opted to repeat Week 2 last week; how’s it going? Post to the comments and let us know your badass pushups status.

If you repeated Week 2 last week, it’s time to do the assessment again. If you get a minimum of 16 solid pushups, you’re ready to move on to Week 3. You can find the Week 3 Workout here. (Note: I have a 100 pushups label on the left side of my blog. You can always click there to see all the 100-pushups-related posts.)

I just completed Week 3/Day 1/Column 1, and it was ROUGH! I dropped back to column 1 because I realized I was “cheating” on my form. If my elbows aren’t back, it doesn’t count. My numbers: 10 – 12 – 7 – 7 – Max 9.

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Thank you to Steve Speirs for creating the Hundred Pushups web site and inspiring Team Relentless to tackle 100 pushups. I encourage you to make a donation to Steve to support his web site.

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  • Milaka says:

    I haven’t really posted my status in a few days, so here’s the update:

    Week 2 Day 2:
    push-ups: 5-6-4-4-6 (supposed to be at least 7)
    sit-ups: 21-24-18-18-26
    squats: 19-22-16-16-40 (supposed to be at least 23)

    Week 2 Day 3:
    push-ups: 5-7-5-5-6 (supposed to be at least 8)
    sit-ups: 24-25-21-21-30
    squats: 22-22-19-19-40 (supposed to be at least 27)

    Progress Test (just finished):
    push-ups: 10 (my initial test was 6)
    sit-ups: 35 (my initial test was 40 – what’s up with that?)
    squats: 75 (my initial test was 60)

    So maybe we can all agree on a few things:
    1) I need to repeat Week 2 in push-ups again. I’m not whining. I’m not complaining. I’m just now pissed and motivated to get up to 100 if it takes me years!!!! And I’m going to do it slowly and carefully because I would be even MORE pissed if I injured myself and had to start over from square one.
    2) I’m right where I should be on sit-ups. Although I’m not sure what the deal is with me losing 5 in the progress test.
    3) My legs are over-achievers. Yay legs!!! (Although they now feel like rubber!)

    I think I may need to start the next week on Sunday or Monday. Tomorrow I’ll be in San Antonio all day with a 3rd grade field trip (THAT’S a workout in itself) and then I think Friday I’m going to give blood. Giving blood is an excuse not to exert oneself for a couple of days. I’ll do cardio on Friday morning and then put off the push-ups until Sunday or Monday – whatever the vampires tell me to do.

    And where are the other updates?!?!? What are you guys up to?!?!?

  • Bonita says:

    Week 4 Day 1 Column 2
    18-16(22)-16-16-12(25) My arms felt dead every set. I’m moving over to column 1 until I earn my way back to Column 2.

  • Melicious says:

    Milaka! Nice squats, girl. Woot! Good to hear from you. And thank you for giving blood. It’s one of the things I really like to do, too, and I’ve been selfish lately because I don’t want to skip my workouts. As soon as the Spartan Challenge is over, I’m going to go to the donation center. Thanks for the reminder!

  • Melicious says:

    Just ran 30 minutes in the soupy, humid air, then did Week 3/Day 2/Column 1:

    10 – 12 – 8 – 8 – 21 Max

    The first, third, and last rounds felt great. What it that about?!