
Both of my client presentations were bumped to Monday so the rest of today should be smooth and easy. Can I get an “amen”?

And speaking of being free… Crystal designated today “Sprint Friday,” and even though sprints running sprints is tough, man! it’s fun and freeing.

Our workout:
10 med ball cleans + 100 jump rope
8 med ball cleans + 80 jump rope
6 med ball cleans + 60 jump rope
4 med ball cleans + 40 jump rope

I’m so tough, I broke my jump rope during the first round. (Full disclosure: It’s a plastic jump rope and it was, like, 30 degrees outside, so the breaking had more to do with ice-cold plastic meeting concrete than it did with my level of awesomeness.)

Indian run to the Mopac bridge – approx. 1/4 mile

20 wall dips + 20 pushups
run 50% to pillar 1 / run 75% to pillar 2 / all-out to pillar 4 / jog back
15 wall dips + 15 pushups
run 50% to pillar 1 / run 75% to pillar 2 / all-out to pillar 4 / jog back
10 wall dips + 10 pushups
run 50% to pillar 1 / run 75% to pillar 2 / all-out to pillar 4 /REPEAT back

Jog back to Deep Eddy

60 bicycles
25 scissors
25 flutter kicks
straight leg hold ’til Crystal said “stop”

Tomorrow is Weight Watchers and UTB, and Carla’s going to be there! Then Sunday is a rest day. Aaaaahhhh…

Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place

My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...

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Rants & Rave: 25 April 2020

We could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....

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