When’s the Last Time…

… you did something for the first time?

If you’re CrossFit, the answer to that question is probably “this morning.”

I didn’t intentionally set out to tackle new adventures this year, but my quest for goal weight and fitness brought with it all kinds of frexciting new ideas and activities. What a gift! And what a fortunate girl I am, to be surrounded by people who push, encourage, tease, cajole, support, and love me through it all.

Thank you to the coaches at CrossFit Central — and especially to Carey, Crystal, and Randal for their almost-daily support. Y’all are best-quality humans. Hugs of gratitude to my Bootcamp crew for getting up early to work hard. Thank you to my co-workers (Erin, Stacey, Cathlin, Kristin… I’m looking at you.) who seem to always say ‘yes’ to the question, “Want to hear what we did at our workout this morning?” And, of course, a huge truckful of gratitude to the most fantastic husband in the world ever on the planet EVER… Dave. He always knows just what to say and do to make me feel beautiful and strong.

And now… in no particular order… the many wonderful, fun, rewarding, frexciting things I did for the first time in 2008:

Thanks for sharing my adventures with me — can’t wait to see what happens in 2009! Wishing you a frexciting new year filled with love, adventure, challenges, and surprises.

Snowshoeing in Snezka: A Story in Photos

Dave and I have a thoroughly delightful 19-year-old niece named Pepper, and her recent visit to Prague coincided with a snowshoeing trip to Sněžka, a peak on...

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Naplavka WOD

Even though I don't do Crossfit anymore, I still think of my workout as a WOD. Giving something a name or title assigns it with...

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  • Erin Clare says:

    May I add to your list:

    “Adopted a puppy*”

    *indicates me 🙂

    You took time to show me a better path towards fitness and inspire me every day.

    And I’m just one of many you did that for.

    I am so frexcited for you!! You KICKED ASS this year and will take 2009 and play with it like a ball in hand.


  • Jessica Sharratt says:

    You are TRULY AMAZING sister!!! You have done more in one year than some will ever do in a lifetime. You ROCK! An inspiration to us all. Keep it up!

  • c9 says:

    You are an inspiration, Mel. I just saw your write-up on the crossfit website. I’m just so incredibly proud of you and amazed and impressed and and and by golly, I can’t think of words fitting enough to describe your awesomeness. I want to be like you when I grow up. Except that you haven’t grown up, which is part of why I like you so much. So, lets just say I’d like to my 2009 to be like your 2008. Yeah, that’s the ticket. You’re a “Renegade,” yo.