Spy Training

A British dude named Hugo Rifkind — cute, but not exactly super spy material — enlisted some experts to explore “Being Bond.” The results are pretty entertaining.

Part One
Part Two

Um. How freakin’ lucky am I that I have my own local, kickass experts at CrossFit to help me with the physical aspects of my spy training?! (I’m looking at you, Crystal, Randal, Carey…)

I’m happy to teach y’all the finer points of rocking the craps table in a casino and mixing the perfect martini anytime. Just say the word.

Now enjoy this completely gratuitous photo of Mr. Daniel Craig.

Our First Snow!

When we woke up this morning and looked out the window, we saw this: Smudge had this reaction. (If I'm being honest, that's pretty much...

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Brian Williams + Sugarhill Gang

When I was about 12 years old, I went roller skating at the Roller Roost II every weekend, and I was desperately in love with...

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