Keep Austin Weird

Dave wrote a nice recap of our Keep Austin Weird 5k experience, which you can read right here.

There were about 3000 runners, dressed as ballerinas and vikings, and there was a devil, a man-size pinata, and us. We were costumed as sweaty, determined runners. You know I’ll take just about any opportunity to wear a costume. But in honor of the 98-degree heat, I dressed as an experienced runner who knows to wear white when it’s scorchingly hot outside. Here are our pre-race pics:

I’ll post later about my first bout with meditation at 6:00 a.m. and this morning’s running workout. We enjoyed (ahem) our first attempt at “speed work.” Whew.

I Went Running Today

Even when I did it all the time, I never became a very fast runner. But man! I loved running. Even when I hated running,...

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Steady State Cardio = Thyroid Killer?

I ditched "steady-state cardio" — those endless slogs of running for hours at the same pace — a long time ago... partially because I hated...

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