Burpees in my PJs

I came out to my studio to do a little Sunday morning retail therapy. You have to agree that my wardrobe would be shamefully incomplete without this leather vest from Bebe:(I predict that when I wear this, there will be some kind of blouse involved.)

… and this plaid pencil skirt from Forever21:
While I was completing my morning rounds of blogs and such, I read the reminder at CrossFit Central that today is day 5 of the 100 Day Burpee Challenge.

Sigh; there’s no time like the present… I just did my 5 burpees on the floor of the studio, no A/C, no shoes, no sports bra, while wearing my leopard-print PJs.

Commitment for the day: done!

Now I can read the Times with a cup of coffee, then recline on the couch with my new Daniel Silva book Moscow Rules, secure in the knowledge I truly deserve to lie there. All day.

Strength Monday 12/3/12

[caption id="attachment_2853" align="aligncenter" width="592"] photo - flickr.com/photos/undergroundbastard/[/caption] In my quest for lean superhero-ness, I'm following the Wendler 5/3/1 strength training program. Twice a week, Dave...

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Burpee Legs, Baby

Saturday morning, I woke up in just enough time to squeeze in a little Backyard Workout before heading off to Hatha Star yoga. Even though...

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