5 Reasons To Go To PaleoF(x)


I’m loving the snow that’s drifting down on us here in Vermont today, but I’m also starting to look forward to the balmy, sunny weather in Austin, Texas in April — because I’m going to be at PaleoF(x) and I think you should be there, too!

5 Reasons To Go to PaleoF(x)

1. Most of your favorite paleo people are going to be there!
I’m teaming up with Stephanie Gaudreau, the brains and beauty behind Stupid Easy Paleo and The Performance Paleo Cookbook on a session called 20 Ways To Make Paleo Easier and More Fun. Our plan is to take an approach inspired by pecha kucha. A true pecha kucha presentation means 20 slides with just 20 seconds of talking spent on each slide. I’m pretty sure we’ll be talking about each of our slides for more than the blink-of-an-eye-and-it’s-gone 20 seconds — but the plan is to keep all of our information short, sweet, and, most importantly, actionable so you can pick up tips to start using right away.

Just about every other paleo superstar you’ve heard of will be there, too: Melissa and Dallas Hartwig of Whole30 fame, Robb Wolf, Chris Kresser, Mark Sisson, Sarah Ballantyne… and Michele Tam, aka, Nom Nom Paleo will be presenting “Umami: Applying the Art and Science of the Fifth Taste” with her pal Gregory Gourdet from Top ChefYou can register and see the whole schedule right here!

2. Austin is warm and sunny in April.
Springtime in Austin is warm, sunny, and inviting. PaleoF(x) is held in the Palmer Events Center, a big building in the middle of a gorgeous park that’s adjacent to my favorite place in Austin: the hike and bike trail around the lake. It’s perfect: you can feed your brain with information, then duck outside for fresh air and a stroll… to chill out and let all the new info settle into your brain.

3. There is good eating in Austin.
There are plenty of paleo-friendly options in Austin, and PaleoF(x) is a wonderful excuse to eat delicious food made by someone else. I’ve been cranking out breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Dave and I every day except one each week, and I’m ready for a bunless burger at 24 Diner, the glorious Thai at Sway, a salad and cookie from Picnik, a pile of gluten-free BBQ from the Salt Lick, and yes! some grass-fed ice cream at Lick.

4. You’ll be informed and inspired.
PaleoF(x) will have five stages this year… five! And the topics are organized to help you get just what you need from the conference. There’s the Keynote stage for luminaries to drop knowledge bombs; the Mastermind Panel stage, where heated discussions are sure to break out; the Paleo On Ramp stage for beginners to learn the basics and pick up tips to make living paleo easier than ever; the Strength and Conditioning stage where you can brush up on lifts and skills; and the Cooking Demo stage where your favorite paleo bloggers and cookbook authors will show you how to make their favorite dishes.

5. Socialization time is important.
PaleoF(x) is a fun way to make new friends and to finally meet your online pals in person! All you need to do is wander the exhibition hall to run into paleo bloggers — and the presentations are a great way to meet other attendees. This year’s convention also features the first-ever paleo awards show and a few dinner parties, including the Saturday evening Charity Dinner Bash. The whole weekend has a friendly atmosphere that fosters friendships that last beyond the last presentation.

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PaleoF(x) Details

Register now for the biggest paleo event of the year!

Date: Friday, April 24 – Sunday, April 26, 2015
Place: Austin, Texas

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