2009 CrossFit Games

Check out the list of events the 2009 CrossFit Games competitors will be conquering tomorrow. I wish I was there to muddle through them myself. Sounds awful-good! I’m kind of tempted to create a reasonable facsimile of these workouts for myself right here in Austin and give it a try…

Event 1: The Run
The first event is a 7.1km run through varied terrain including both asphalt and extremely steep hills off trail. The athlete’s time will be electronically determined by a chip given to the athlete prior to the race.

Event 2: The Deadlift
Heaviest successful deadlift completed lifting one rep every 30sec. Each competitor will begin at the first barbell, which weighs 315lbs for men and 185lbs for women. Dropping is permitted. The athlete then has 10sec plus any portion of the 20sec remaining to set up at the next bar, which is 10lbs heavier than the previous (so the second bar weighs 325/195). Athletes continue moving to progressively heavier bars until they fail. The athletes are ranked according to the heaviest successful weight lifted before failing.

Event 3: The Sandbag Hill Sprint
The men will pick up two 35lb sandbags (loosely packed) and sprint approximately 170m uphill. The sandbags begin flat on the ground. The sprint is steep in places, with approximately 100′ in elevation gain over the 170m course. Women carry one 35lb sandbag for the same course.

Event 4: Row / Hammer Stake
Row 500m
Hammer a 4′ metal stake into specially prepared, evenly compacted ground (women use a 3′ stake)
Row 500m
Details and standards will be given to the athletes on Saturday afternoon.

Event 5: The Couplet
The two exercises are wall ball and barbell snatch. The specifics of the workout will be disclosed on Saturday afternoon. We want the athletes to have the privilege of being the first to perform this exact workout.

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  • Maggie says:

    seriously though…"hammer stake"??? that is just insane!

  • Erin Clare says:

    Umm….I'll go ahead say no thanks to Event 3…are you kidding me??

    Security word: "Calsing" as in, reading these event descriptions already make my hands cal'sing over.