Filthy Fifty

I was thinking about doing the Filthy Forty-One next Saturday in honor of my bday, but now I’ll have to come up with something else because when we got to Bootcamp this morning, Crystal announced we were doing the Filthy Fifty (or… a close approximation of the original since we were out in the park).

Our workout
50 consecutive reps of each:
box jumps
swings, 25 lbs.
push press, 15-lb. dbs

We had a 25-minute cut-off and when Crystal called time, I was on #20 of the elbow-to-knees… so I kept going. I’m not skilled at the double-unders, so I did 150 regular jumps with the rope instead. I think my time was around 27:00 or so. It was wicked fun, and I really needed a hard, endorphin-producing workout today.

I think my pushups for the day are covered!

We had a sweat-tastic time… see?

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