Race ya!

I told Dave truthfully yesterday, this is the best summer I’ve ever had. We’re having so much fun playing outside and seeing summer blockbuster movies. I feel like an eight-year-old. I even have my hair in ponytails!

I love love love the first Hellboy movie, and I used one of my “floating holidays” at work on Friday so Dave and I could see a matinee of Hellboy 2: The Golden Army. Like the first Hellboy movie, this one was a nice blend of romance (Selma Blair and Hellboy are an adorable couple. Seriously.) and kickass fight scenes. The movie was directed by Guillermo del Toro (who also gave us my favorite movie from last year: Pan’s Labyrinth), and there were lots of cute and creepy creatures populating a world underneath the Brooklyn bridge. Neato!

Friday morning started with a kickass Bootcamp workout. Crystal gave us a list of six exercises and we had to choose four for our workout. Sneaky coach wouldn’t tell us what we were doing with them, but I suspected many reps, and my supposition was later confirmed. I wanted to do sprawls, but I was outvoted (Chad wanted pushups) and Annie vetoed the squats. When the haggling was over, we had to do 150 reps of each of these four exercises:

  • overhead press with either 10 or 15-lb. dumbbells
  • walking lunges
  • medicine ball situps
  • pushups

I started out doing everything in sets of 30, but by the time I was on round 4 and 5, I was alternating 10 situps and 10 pushups, then 10 lunges with 10 overhead press. My shoulders were on fire. At the 20 minute mark, Crystal said she was calling time at 25 minutes. I pushed and finished in 24:24 — and I did about half of the overhead presses with the 15-lb. dumbbells. I was pretty happy with that!

We finished up with medicine balls abs: around-the-worlds and partner cradles. Both Annie and I were totally CrossFit Drunk.

Then Dave appeared, and we hit the trail for our run. The plan was to do the 3-mile loop — 5 minutes at pace, 30 seconds walking — until the 20-minute mark, then 4X30-second sprints with 2 minutes recovery in between… then jog to our starting point at the north side of the Mopac bridge.


I was fading a little bit on the regular ol’ run and caught up to Dave just in time to do the sprints. We decided to do them together, and it was awesome… like being out playing with a friend in the park, just goofing around to see how fast we can run. My lungs were burning and on the last sprint, my legs were Jell-O™ (cherry) — it was fantastic!

We came home and ate a perfect Zone breakfast (roast turkey, berries, milk, almonds) and got cleaned up for our lunch date before the matinee. At Central Market, I had the Mediterranean Salad (Zone-friendly) and bought 2 dark chocolate malted milk balls to eat during the movie. The air outside the theater was popcorn-tastic but I gutted it up — it was really hard for a few seconds — and said no to movie popcorn, even though popcorn is my favorite food.


(I have goals, damn it. Just three weeks ’til the next Spartan 300 Challenge check-in. I have work to do.)

I loved the movie and want to see it again. It’s truly fantastic and magical. I want Dave and I to dress up as Hellboy and Liz for Halloween.

The preview we saw for the Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer gave us a hankering for the Mummy movies, so we bought a copy of the Mummy Returns on the way home and watched it while consuming a Zone-perfect dinner: tofu shirataki noodle salad with peanut sauce (with turkey, cucumbers, snow peas) and berries for dessert. (Recipe coming soon.) It was SO good and packed with nutritional dynamite.

That’s a pretty good Friday right there.

I Went Running Today

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Steady State Cardio = Thyroid Killer?

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