Man! I Feel Like a (wo)Man

Getting out of bed was pretty tough this morning. I woke up before the alarm, but didn’t want to get out from under the covers. My new routine is to go straight into the Glamour Room to pull on my cold weather clothes, then shuffle into the bathroom for contact lenses, hair braiding, and teeth brushing. It’s a nice transition into wakefulness ’cause I can’t see a damn thing without my lenses. The whole experience of getting dressed is kind of dream-like in the half-dark.

We met at the parking garage and then hit it hard. Thank you, Crystal!

Our workout
3 rounds, 1 minute each station

  • man-makers, 15-lb. dumbbells*
  • double-unders (or close approximation thereof)
  • med ball slams, 10-lb. ball
  • plank (on forearms)

Abs to finish

  • 50X Russian twist, 10-lb. med ball


  1. Start in standing position with dumbbells in a loose grip at your sides.
  2. Drop down into pushup position and do a renegade row: one pushup with two pulls
  3. Hop your feet into a squat like the end of a sprawl
  4. Do a squat clean
  5. End with a thruster
  6. Repeat

My # of reps:

  • Manmakers: 5-5-6
  • Med ball slam: 40-40-44

I’m in copywriting hell today, and tonight our corporate overlords are throwing us a holiday party. I’d like to be spending my day chatting with my work pals and sipping tea, then skedaddle home early to primp. Instead, I’m trying to find 12 different ways to say the same basic sentence.

I realized this morning that a year ago — almost to the day — I was really stressing over what I was going to wear to our office party and feeling pretty badly about it. Last night, I tried on three dresses and had trouble deciding which one to wear because I liked them all. It’s a pretty nice problem to have.

Not a nice problem to have? Hours of copywriting.

Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place

My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...

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Rants & Rave: 25 April 2020

We could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....

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