The Presses Were A Trick

I must have still been half asleep when I read the workout this morning, because I thought it looked kinda fun. Running! Overhead presses! Wheeee!

Except it was 10 rounds.
Of 85-90% effort on the running.
With just three little presses in between.

At the end, when I’d run 1.25 miles in 200m increments and the sweat was running off my face and my ponytail was plastered to my neck and I was beyond sweat angel into sweat puddle territory, I realized the truth: The presses were a trick. To make me run. Fast. Over and over and over.

It worked.

Hip snatch waveload
:90 Rest b/t rep sets
My weights: 30-35-40-35-40-45-40-45-50

I’m staying kinda light on snatches right now to work on my technique. It’s getting more solid, so soon I’ll start dropping the hammer.

10 rounds:
200m run @ 85-90% Pace
3 push press @55-65% of Jerk 1RM, 50#
My time: 11:55

Bonus fun
Handstand hold :30

Dirty little embarrassing secret alert: Every since I learned to do a handstand against the wall on that magical date known as December 6, 2010, I’ve done them in the exact same spot in the gym. It’s in the back corner, where there’s a seam on the floor so I know just where to put my feet. There’s plenty of room on either side so I can’t crash into anything. It’s my safe zone.

But today, the giant tire was leaning against the wall IN MY HANDSTAND SPOT.

So I rotated 90-degrees to the right, to another blank wall. Where there’s a sink on the left (crash-worthy) and no lines on the floor to gauge distance from the wall.

I’m not gonna lie and pretend I’m cool: it made me quite nervous.

But I took a breath, locked my arms out overhead, and kicked… and bounced my booty right off the wall.

It took two more attempts, but I finally got upside down.

And held it.

Guess I have two handstand spots now.

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