Spa(ish) Week: Day 2 Recap

From July 22 through July 28, I’m going to make it my job to be as fit, healthy, and well-rested as I can be. Because I’m curious… How much time does it really take to make health and well being our number one priority? And how much awesomer will I feel if I do it?

Read all about my Spa(ish) Week 2012 plans here.

Day 2 Recap

This was one of those days that starts out one way, then kinda takes on a life of its own. We were scheduled to have a meeting with our PR company at noon, which meant I had to shower and make myself look like a real girl. Halfway through that transformative process, our meeting was re-scheduled and so was my day. It became Errands Day! New prescription pick up! Grocery shopping! Post office!

Honestly, the highlight of Day 2 was the special screening of two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation last night, which tells you something about my level of geekdom. Three words: Jean Luc Picard. But on to my spa(ish) treatments…

1. Strength Training
Done! And it was perfectly challenging.

5 @ 75% of max = 135#
3 @ 85% of max = 155#
max reps @ 95% of max = 170# – I did 7.
Between each set of deadlifts, I did 5 perfect chest-to-deck pushups. My pushups are making a comeback!

Overhead Press:
5 @ 75% of max = 65#
3 @ 85% of max = 75#
max reps @ 95% of max = 85# – I did… 0.
Big bummer! I made two attempts at 85# and failed at both, so I push pressed it a few times, then eked out 1 rep at 80#.

2. Four-Mile Walk
Done! And it was more like 4.5 miles, and it took 1:14:23.

3. Meditation
Fail. Boo! It’s so soon for a meditation fail. I kept remembering and forgetting throughout the day that I needed to do it, and then when I got home after my adventures on the Starship Enterprise, it was almost 10:00p. Smudge and I were home alone, and it felt too spooky to totally zone out with headphones on in the house by myself – especially because I’m reading a tingly ghost story right now and the memory of the chapter I’d read earlier in the day was still floating around my imagination. Yes, I failed at meditation because I’m a scaredy-cat. Oops.


Breakfast: diced chicken breast, broccoli, sweet potato, coconut oil.

Lunch: egg salad, tuna salad, cucumber, snap peas, carrots, blackberries

Dinner (packed and sneaked into the movie theater): chicken sausage, cucumber, snap peas, carrots, blueberries, Brazil nuts, one square of dark chocolate

General Well-Being & Random Thoughts

I’m starting a new thyroid hormone protocol and I’m in the middle of my period, so I’m feeling anxious, fatigued, and mildly overwhelmed — but also optimistic and strong. My workouts are going very well, and I’m feeling positive about the new direction Dr. Sebring is taking my treatment. I used to think I was resistant to change; now everywhere I turn, there’s something new. Um… yay?

On deck for Day 3:

4-mile walk
Kundalini yoga

plus… the re-scheduled meeting with our PR company (Can you even?! That means another shower and the application of eye liner.)

Spa(ish) Week: Day 7 Recap

From July 22 through July 28, I’m going to make it my job to be as fit, healthy, and well-rested as I can be. Because...

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Spa(ish) Week: Day 6 Recap

From July 22 through July 28, I’m going to make it my job to be as fit, healthy, and well-rested as I can be. Because...

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  • Mariah B says:

    Hah! I feel the same way about having to get ready for the day… What? I have to do my hair? Ack! My straightener usually has dust on it. 😉 Isn’t life great working from home?

    I too, was resistant to change. I’ve started to accept change a little more easily though. I think it’s because recently a lot of things have changed that are beyond my control, so it’s a little liberating when *I* can change something for the positive or take control.

    Good luck with the protocol switch!