Real Conversations About Vital Stuff

Radical Hateloss, written by Stephanie Vincent, is one of my favorite blogs. Stephanie is 100% devoted to helping women re-shape our relationships with our bodies. She’s a CrossFitter, a life coach, a writer, and an all-around beautiful human being, inside and out.

So I’m thrilled that:
1. She’s sponsoring a series of discussions called The Ladies RX Discussion Series: Real Conversations About Living Our Own Versions of “As Prescribed”
2. She’s invited me to participate in a talk called “The Paleo Diet Without Dieting”

You can learn more about the whole series of discussions right here. The special guests are an inspiring collection of women covering topics like self acceptance, the mental side of training and moving away from the pursuit of perfectionism.

My Discussion

I would love to talk to you beautiful people about how eating dino-chow essentially frees us from Good Health Jail and the painful chains of dieting. Here’s the scoop:

What: The Paleo Diet Without Dieting
Date: Sunday, February 19
Time: 6:30 p.m. EST / 5:30 p.m. CST / 4:30 p.m. MST / 3:30 p.m. PST
Registration: Free, but limited, so sign up now!

I expect this will be a free-wheeling, dynamic discussion filled with some true confessions, good advice, shared insights, and plenty of laughs. Hope you can join us!

Read Stephanie’s Smart, Moving Words

These are some of my favorite posts from Radical Hateloss. I encourage you to go poke around her site and dig into what she’s serving up!

Do we really want strong to be the new skinny?
The problem with skinny & fat
The intrinsic motivation for healthy behaviors
Oozing love for CrossFit


Onions 101

Last summer, I told Farmer Chuck — the king of everything delicious at our CSA Sunrise Farm — that the onions we'd been getting in our basket were...

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Coconut 101

I was working on updating a classic American recipe for my Paleo Magazine column this weekend and realized I had no idea how to properly prepare...

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