Spreading the Good Word on Blisstree

Disclaimer: I would never ever EVER refer to paleo as a “fad diet” – and frankly, I don’t even feel 100% comfortable referring to the way I eat as paleo because that term has so many varied definitions. However, when a writer acquaintance asked me for a quote about paleo – what it is, why it’s great – it seemed like a good opportunity to spread the word in a more mainstream forum.

Here it is: The Blisstree round-up on fad diets. I’m not totally in love with the fact that my quote follows The Cookie Diet slide, but damn! the hunk of meat they used to illustrate my quote is way tastier-looking than the stupid cookie.

And maybe, just maybe, someone who thinks they want to try one of those terrible fad diets will think paleo sounds interesting and do a little more research… to learn it’s not a fad, and to learn how they can thrive on dino-chow power.

Onions 101

Last summer, I told Farmer Chuck — the king of everything delicious at our CSA Sunrise Farm — that the onions we'd been getting in our basket were...

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Coconut 101

I was working on updating a classic American recipe for my Paleo Magazine column this weekend and realized I had no idea how to properly prepare...

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  • Wild Runner says:

    Wow, you are the only person in that slide show who was 100% positive about her diet. The cookie diet person even said she's now doing something closer to paleo.

  • Sally says:

    I love how everyone else is like "this diet sucks, but it made me a little bit skinnier" and you are like "this diet turned me into a shiny-haired, PR-machine!!!!" Awesome. 🙂

  • dragonmamma says:

    You made a great spokesperson. Love that the emphasis is on strength and health, not just losing weight.