Circle of Awesomeness Challenge: Final Tests

What a difference the kindness of friends and a good night’s sleep can make!

Thursday I was all moody blues, and today, I’m, like, stupid excited to be tackling the final tests of the Circle of Awesomeness Challenge at CrossFit Austin this week. And that, my friends, is the magic of thyroid and female hormones. Isn’t the human body a wondrous and majestic thing?! Grrrrrr.

This image is so stupid; I love it.

Anyway, based on what’s coming next week, I’m devoting myself this weekend to eating especially powerful food and to enjoying sound, restful sleep. Look at this schedule!

Circle of Awesomeness Testing

Saturday (today!)
Power test: 3 attempt at maximum vertical jump
Strength endurance: 5 rounds: 5 deadlift @ 70% max + max pushups

(I missed this test last time around, so this will be my first attempt. I wish I could say I’m excited about the vertical jumps, but my jumping ability is questionable. I will, therefore, pretend to be eight years old: I wonder how high I can jump?! Watch! Watch me! I’m gonna jump!)

UPDATE: Saturday WOD is done!
DL = 130#
Pushups = 18 – 15 – 15 – 16 – 25 = 89 total
Then I did a 30-second handstand hold… just because.

Aerobic test: rowing 12:00
(Here’s how I did last time.)

Anaerobic test: 30 thrusters in 1:00 for max weight
(Here’s how I did last time. My goal is at least 45# this time.)

Strength and power: 1RM Clean
Anaerobic: Fran
(Here’s how I did last time.)

Aerobic: Fight Gone Bad
(Here’s how I did last time.)

Strength: CrossFit Total
(Here’s how I did last time.)

Except for the “30 thrusters in 1:00” WOD, I’m not going into any of the tests with specific goals other than this: I will do my best and be as fearless as possible in that moment.

Question for you – post to comments: If you had to choose one of the above WODs, which would you choose? And for fun, tell us your least favorite, too.

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  • Leah says:

    Most Definitely I would love Wednesday! Max Clean and Fran! Two of my favorites! I think i'd least like mondays aerobic rowing. I hate cardio…I suck at it!

  • Sara says:

    being in a similar funk as you reported to be in for a few weeks feeling like i was making no progress in my workouts or body comp i decided to go into today's Murph workout with a "can do" attitude. I of course did better than last time(im guessing because i didnt have my old pal negative nancy weighing me down)and my acomplishment was a wonderful start to a Saturday. After that workout i cant say i envy any of your upcoming workouts buuuut i guess if i HAD to choose one it would be fight gone bad. Thanks for the encouragement i needed to rock Murph!

  • jeanyemercer says:

    "I will do my best and be as fearless as possible in that moment." – I LOVE this! and I'm definitely going to borrow it during my next WOD. Thanks!!

  • jeanyemercer says:

    P.S. I made your calypso confetti cauliflower concoction today. YUMMO!!!! 🙂

  • Melissa 'Melicious' Joulwan says:

    Leah –> You picked my least favorite… ha! I'm beginning to like cleans, but Fran is composed entirely of things I hate. BOO!

    Sara –> Glad you went into your Murph with the right mindset. It's hard sometimes, right?! And the Murph is such a beast. Great job, lady.

    Jeanye –> Yay to both comments! XO