Random Awesome Things

I am flying high… HIGH, my friends. I’m on Day 21 of my Whole70, and so far this week, I’ve slept 43 hours, eaten 24 super-tasty dino-chow meals and snacks, set one new PR, and kicked my ass with four killer workouts, including this one from this morning:

400m run (in 28 degrees!)
2X 15 kip swings + 10 squats + 10 pushups + 10 wall ball

5 sets:
3 behind-the-neck power jerks + 2 b-t-n split jerks (15#  45#  55#  65#  75#)
rest :30
7 heavy Russian kb swings (20kg)
rest :30
15 supermans
rest 2:00

5 rounds:
200m sprint
10 db snatches/arm, 20#
5 burpees
3 handstand pike pushups
rest 1:00
My time: 16:21

Other awesome things…

My dad. He went dino-chow/Whole30 last December and has been eating like a caveman ever since. He’s lost about 50 pounds and kicked gout to the curb.

Smudge. The Glamour-Puss fell asleep on my leopard coat last night and played hide-and-seek with me for about 10 minutes this morning, which made me almost miss the bus. Love it!

Tom Sawyer by Rush. I don’t know WHAT THE HELL those lyrics are about, but they are so beside the point. I mean, who cares what the song is about when you can listen to Neil Peart pound the drums?!

The weather. It’s chilly here, and my run around the lake tomorrow is going to be fantastic: sunny and crisp so I get to wear my Under Armour cold weather gear. The outdoor playtime will be followed by a big pile of eggs and avocado, and potentially, a nap.

Happy Weekend, everyone!

Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place

My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...

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Rants & Rave: 25 April 2020

We could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....

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  • AllieNic says:

    Ditto on the Neil Peart admiration…RUSH is one of my favorites…mostly on account of the the drums being SO CRAZY!

    Congratulations to your Dad (Papa-licious?)! That's so great that he reversed his gout– healing yourself with food is the best way to do it!

  • Catherine Hart Rebholz says:

    YAY! I love when the joys of clean eating kick into high gear. And I am SO PSYCHED about your Dad eating like a caveman champion! That is super exciting news. Happy Day indeed!

  • Jean says:

    Glamour-puss looks quite comfortable on your leopard coat…cats always find the softest, warmest places to sleep. BTW, 60 degrees is not chilly. I am in Northern NH and is is supposed to be -20 degrees, yes that was negative 20 degrees. Not feeling any sympathy for you. 🙁

  • Melissa 'Melicious' Joulwan says:

    AllieNic and Catherine –> My dad is the bomb. Y'all can thank him for my recipes because he and my mom are the ones who taught my brother and I to love the kitchem.

    Jean –> I don't want sympathy… I LOVE cold weather. You can send me sympathy in the summer when it's F*CKING 90+ for five months in a row 😉

  • Sarah says:

    I still don't know how you call a low of 35 "cold." It will be a high of 22F here in Omaha, NE, and I'm going to be wearing my Under Armour cold gear!

  • Ehsa says:

    I think your new picture in the upper right hand corner is awesome! You look so totally together that it instantly puts me in a can-do positive frame of mind!

  • Melissa 'Melicious' Joulwan says:

    Ehasa! You are so sweet to say that. Thank you!

    That photo was taken at the DOX museum (http://www.doxprague.org/en/homepage) in Prague, and it was one of my favorite days of our trip. We took the tram to a neighborhood outside the tourist area and meandered our way through all the exhibits at the DOX. Then we had Becherovka and an open-faced sandwich (roast beef and potato salad on rye with pickles!) on the patio. It was really just a perfect day.

  • morten_g says:

    I think it's great that your dad is going great but I have this pet peeve. Bacon is not very paleo. It has up to 4% salt even before you fry it. It should be used quite sparingly as a condiment and when you do that you may as well spring for a god pancetta.
    It's probably a pet peeve of mine because when I started eating paleo my tummy would still get messed up now and then and I didn't connect it with bacon/salt before I read Cordain's book.
    And this is coming from a Dane. My country produces 25 million pigs each year.

  • Lauren {Stylized Existence} says:

    Melissa – I have a super easy DELICIOUS crockpot recipe for you – I'll send it to your email I have back from when I gave you Prague tips. Cheers!