Nyet! Nyet! Nyet!

Did I want to get up this morning? Nyet!
Did I want to do pullups? Nyet!
Did I enjoy having my arms whipped by the jump rope on double-unders? Nyet!
Did I do all those things anyway? Da!

Our workout this morning included Russian step-ups (hooray!), Russian swings (which I don’t totally love and really, really don’t totally love when performed with a 35-lb. dumbbell because all of the 16kg kettlebells were already taken by the time I finished setting up my Russian step-up station ’cause my legs are too short to just use the regular box like a normal person), and a bunch of other yucky stuff. See?

3 sets:
8 partner pullups
rest :20
10 unbroken wall ball, 14# ball
rest :20
:90 double unders (or attempts)
rest 1:00


3 rounds:
hill sprint
15 Russian step-ups
20 Russian swings (35# dumbbell)
rest :30
My time: 8:05

How is it possible to hate most of the component parts but love the overall experience? Discuss.

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