Last week, I had the pleasure of chatting with Diane Sanfilippo of Balanced Bites and Liz Wolfe of Cave Girl Eats for their Balanced Bites...
Read MoreWell Fed 2 Corrections
We tried our absolute best, but even with our extreme vigilance, a typo or two may have sneaked past us during the editing process. I’ll list corrections to recipes on this post as we find them, and future editions of the book will be updated. If you find typos, please email them to Thanks!

Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup, page 206
The ingredients list reads “2 cups chicken” — that should be 2 cups chicken broth
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I’ve made the soup so many times I could do it with my eyes closed, corrections or no, and it’s wonderful!
I got my copy of WF2 on Friday and just got on here to tell you–I love you! I have to eat Paleo/Whole30 most of the time for health reasons, but you make me feel like I GET to eat Paleo, not that it’s anything undesireable. My copy of WF is so stained and tattered already, and WF2 will follow shortly. You have a truly amazing talents for seasoning and flavor combinations, and my family and I thank you!
Thanks for the support 🙂 It was a bummer to find that typo. And it’s especially a downer because it’s one of my favorite recipes in the book. Oopsy!
I’m so glad you like WF2. Thank you! Enjoy the recipes — and thank you for spilling on your book. I love that!
LOVE Well Fed 2 even more than the 1st book! As always I love the variations on your recipes and “what you could do with that.” I also like the sections on quick meals and enhancing everyday foods like eggs and hamburgers.
I bought a copy for myself and my trainer, who got me started on Paleo.
Keep ’em coming!
Hooray! I’m really glad you like WF2. It was a nail-biter a little bit, waiting to see if it would be well-received. Whew!
Thank you for buying both of our books!
Hope this is not a dumb question….but do you peel the zucchini??
I also have to add, that I am new to cooking in the past couple of years (always hated it), but your first cook book really changed my life and my attitude toward cooking. I even PRE ordered your second one and already love it. You and your team are awesome!
Not dumb at all! Nope, you don’t peel it. The peel is packed nutrients AND it tastes good. Better than the middle, actually.
Congratulations on becoming a cook! 🙂 And thank you for preordering WF2!
Ok. Need to report back that I made the soup and LOVE it!!! Truly simple to make. I used a stick – hand held type blender instead of doing batches in regular kind- seemed easier that way. Can’t wait to try some more recipes.
Any plans for a Kindle edition of WF2? I love the first book and I particularly love having it as a Kindle book so I can both cook and shop with it.
Yes! Kindle version is in development and should be released in December. Thanks for asking!
Hooray! 🙂
Yes! *fist pump*
Love that soup! I’ve stockpiled it in my freezer for those under-the-weather days. I’ve been trying to think of a protein that you could serve with it aside from shellfish (I like the “lightness” of seafood with the punch of ginger), and although it’s a type, shredded chicken would probably go well… maybe with some five-spice? (I know, not AIP….)
I love soups too and think I’ll be stockpiling this one in the freezer for ready availability. I think the chicken sounds good but until I make the soup I’ll have to decide if mahimahi or salmon would be good also. I read a French novel-with-recipes this summer and one of the best sounding recipes was a soup with a filet of fish as garnish – doesn’t that just sound artistic and yummy?
I used some diced up ham I got from local pasture raised pigs. This soup is the first recipe I made out of the cook book, didn’t even notice the typo. I was so excited to find a recipe with ginger LOVE! and zucchini ( alot in the freezer from the garden). Soup was fantastic.
THANK YOU Meslissa, Your first book is one of my favorites and now I am blessed with Well Fed 2. I love it! You did a marvelous job of it.
Thank you! I’m so glad you like both of them 🙂
I ordered your first book 3 weeks ago and have been cooking from it ever since.I love it. So I ordered the new Well fed2 now – it just takes 4 weeks to arrive in Germany. I am your biggest fan over here! Keep going with your creative cooking! There is nothing which compares to your cooking over here in Europe.
Thank you for your support! I’m glad you’re enjoying the recipes. Happy cooking to you!
I just got your new cookbook Mel and I am so excited!!
I decided I must try something right away and the sweet potato waffle is what the book opened to and it looks yummy! I just have a question on where you say to pre heat the oven to 200. Do we put them on a pan in the oven for 20-30 min after squeezing them? I wasn’t quitesure on this part? Am I just drying them more or crisping them or what?
Thanks again for this book I can not wait to go through it! It felt like christmas when it came!
The oven is just to keep the waffles warm after you cook them in the waffle maker. Each one takes a while, so you need to keep them in the oven so they stay hot while you make the rest in the waffle maker.
I received my copy of Well Fed 2 and am blown away. In my opinion, your two cookbooks should be in every home—not just Paleo folks. I own a LOT of cookbooks (hundreds), so this comment does not come lightly. I have made every recipe out of Well Fed 1, and all of them have been wonderful. The mix & match in #1 is worth the price of the entire book. I am slowly reading my way through #2, as there is so much good info in it I don’t want to rush through it! Thank you for taking the time to create all these wonderful recipes and to publish all of them for us.
Thank you VERY much for this awesome comment. I love the idea of two Well Fed cookbooks in every kitchen 😉
I’m really glad you liked the WF recipes — and am excited to see which from WF2 become favorites. Enjoy!
I just received my copy of Well Fed 2 this afternoon and sat down and read it cover to cover. I can’t wait to start cooking and don’t know what I’ll cook first. Thank You. Have been waiting impatiently for this.
Well Fed was the first cookbook I found when I began following Paleo almost two years ago and it continues to be my favorite and go to when not having a salad, steamed veggies and protein for a meal.
You rock! Your recipes and creativity are wonderful and I’m sure Well Fed 2 will be well used and worn shortly.
Thanks for taking the time to experiment and create. I’m a fan !
Oh! So fun… thanks for reading the whole thing. That makes me very happy.
Congratulations on making the switch to paleo. Two years is pretty solid. YAY!
Have SO MUCH FUN with the new recipes.
You guys are the best. Really! I write a blog post about how I messed up, and you reply with comments about how much you like the new book.
You are all awesome. Thank you.
the book is fantastic!!
i love it! already tried so many things even tough i just got it a few days ago
thank you!
ps: if you move to prag, i will visit you from austria!
And when I live in Prague, I will come visit you in Austria so we can eat pastry and drink coffee 🙂
Hi! I actually just ordered both WF1 and WF2 and love them both. The only downside is that my copy of WF2 contains pages 88-111 twice and is missing page 112-137. I am assuming that it was not a widespread printing error as I can’t find any other comments about it. I am hoping t find a correct copy as I want to make the Thai Basil Beef and Phaux Pho!!
You’re the first with that issue, so it’s probably a printing fluke. You can return it to where you bought it — if you have any issues, email me at and I’ll sort it out.
You can download the $1 PDF to see the correct pages while you’re waiting for your replacement; the code is on page 236.
Thanks, I will do that! I have bought a lot of cookbooks over the years and the format used here is hands down the best I have ever seen…especially “You Know How You Could Do That” and “Tastes Great With” coupled with the great layout and gorgeous photography. Wonderful!!
Thank you! We really like the design — glad you do, too! 🙂
I could not agree more with this comment – I love the layout, love the format, love the style, the theme, the use of colour for categorizing, the pictures… love it all!
Makes me want to write a book!
Thank you very much! I’m really glad you like the books — we’re really proud of them, but it’s great to know other people like ’em, too!
Hi Mel! I bought WF2 first (and will get WF1 asap) and just made the Golden Cauliflower Soup. LOVE your suggestion to eat it for breakfast!! I have never thought of that, duh!
We could eat so many other comforting warm veggies for breakfast, but we just are not culturally trained to eat veggies or soup in the am. I lived in Minneapolis for 15 years and a hot bowl of soup is a great winter breakfast idea. I think you should expand this suggestion into a “Veggies For the A.M.” post and encourage people to experiment with this. Yams, squash, etc. or chicken soup!
In the Golden Cauliflower Soup recipe: This isn’t a typo, but a missing instruction. The ingredient list just lists “1 large head cauliflower’ but doesn’t say what to do with it. Then the instructions say ‘add chopped cauliflower’. A beginner cook might not know how much to cut up the cauliflower before cooking & then pureeing it.
Also, I love the book, but the actual physical book pages have a really strong smell and make my skin itch when I read it. I don’t normally have this problem and it limits the amount of time I can spend relaxing with your beautiful book. 🙁 I hope the itchy effect wears off as I use the book.
Thank you so much for NOT putting in a huge fake-Paleo baking section. I have decided against buying so many faux-paleo cookbooks because I don’t want to be tempted to make the all the honey/maple syrup loaded treats. I want to know exactly what your books teach; every day healthy eating in a real kitchen. THANK YOU!
So glad you like the soup for breakfast idea! It’s definitely one I’m going to explore more.
On the Golden Cauliflower Soup recipe, the first line of the instructions says to wash, core, and chop the cauliflower. You must have just missed it when you read the recipe.
Sorry to hear the book makes you itch! I can’t imagine what that’s all about.
And yes, I’m a dessert stick in the mud. Glad you approve 🙂
Hello, in the African chicken stew, it says 70 min of cook time, but I only count maybe 45. Also it says only 25 min with chicken and tomato mix put together. Is maybe that part meant to be longer? 25 min doesn’t seem long enough to make the chicken thighs super tender. Anyway, I may just be reading it wrong. Loving the new one as much at the last one. Thank you.
If you use the boneless chicken called for in the recipe, the 25-minute braising time is plenty to cook the chicken through — provided you’ve followed the other instructions to brown it for about 10 minutes (step 1). The 70 minutes for cooking time takes into account browning (10-20 minute), cooking the onions (7 minutes), braising (25 minutes), plus the last step of removing the chicken, adding the Sunbutter to the sauce, and reheating the chicken in the sauce. My cooking times try to account for ALL the time needed to make the dish, not just the time to cook the chicken itself.
Thank you so much. It turned out awesome as has everything I have made from your books. Maybe not as pretty, but I take tasty over pretty any day. 🙂
Hooray! Glad you liked it!
Funny, I just made the Zuke Soup and never even noticed the typo! As a proud owner of WF and WF2 — I just want to say how awesome it is that if I get a wild hair in the HEB, I can find the ingredients to make my favorite recipes here. I’m quite certain I’m annoying someone by standing still in an aisle and calling up a recipe…but having Chocolate Chili ingredients in my cart make my tummy so happy!
Hooray! You must have psychically known what I meant 🙂
Thank you so much for buying both of our cookbooks. I’m so glad you like them!
We make the Zucchini Soup every other week and are starting up our first pot of Chocolate Chili tonight – after feasting on the Best Chicken (brined) for three meals. By the way, those spices restart your metabolism – no heater at night after eating that heat. Enjoying the recommended CALM from my recent Amazon order.
Right on! Glad you like the zucchini soup, too! Hope you enjoyed the Chocolate Chili. Thanks for stopping by to say hi!
Just made my first recipe from Well Fed 2, Zingy Ginger Dressing. Awesome flavor, light-bodied texture, tiny bitty-bits of carrots after processing. Is this right? Off to the grocery for cubed lamb, trying your Rogan Josh from Well Fed 1 for dinner. 🙂
Mel, you have truly spoiled me. Most cookbooks offer recipes by category: entree, sides, sauces, etc. and stop there. You, however, have made my life so easy with Goes Good With and You Know How You Could Do That sections to round out the entire meal. Your Hot Plates from Well Fed are my lifeline. When I got Well Fed 2 I decided to try a new recipe every day for a week. There was not one recipe that my family and I didn’t LOVE. You are a genius, a generous genius! Thank you so much for your hard work and super-diligence!
I’m so happy the extra suggestions are helpful — and I love that you tackled so many new recipes from Well Fed 2. That’s so fun! I’m really glad you and your family are having fun with the food. Happy cooking to you!
Have to admit that I am borrowing your first book from the library, but finding it so very useful… and I love the cooking lessens you tucked in, and all those wonderful seasoning recipes! Like others, I haven’t yet found a recipe we don’t like. So I am about to buy it; just stopped by here to see if I want book 2 as well, and it looks like I do. We’re downsizing, so that says a lot; guess I’ll have to get rid of some others.
One question: I like to cook enough for freezing whenever possible. Are there any that don’t freeze well? What about those wonderful zucchini “noodles”? We ate the entire recipe today, but it would be nice to have a few sides of these on hand for a quick meal. Or snack; or…breakfast! Thank you for the best cookbook I’ve seen since 1980.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the recipes — and thank you for buying our books! Happy cooking to you!
Generally speaking, vegetables that are cooked don’t freeze/defrost very well. They get quite watery and mushy — texture problems 🙁 You can turn zucchini into noodles, sweat them, and put them in the fridge for 5-6 days uncooked — but I don’t recommend freezing. Sorry!
Meatballs, stews, chili, and soups all freeze/defrost well, so those are good ones to double up and freeze.
I have a weird question: for the Tod Mun Chicken are you supposed to cook the chicken before you put it in the food processor or is it still raw at this point? Thank you!
Raw! I would definitely tell you in the directions if it was meant to be cooked first 🙂
Hey Mel! I just have to say I’m a huge fan of your cookbooks and your blog and I was wondering if you were going to continue to make more cookbooks?? I’ve used both your cookbooks so much they already look like my granny’s old classic cookbooks!
I’m so happy you like them! And that they’re “like my granny’s old classic cookbooks” is huge compliment — thank you!
We are working on another cookbook, but it won’t be out until early 2016. I am, however, working on new recipes for my blog. Keep an eye out!
Yay!! I can’t wait!!