Cake That’s NOT Poison

I’ve seen – and eaten! – many desserts in my life that were works of art. But this one really, um… takes the cake… pink cake that’s a feast for the eyes and won’t bust your commitment to Dino-Chow. It’s Cakeland! An art installation by Scott Hove that reminds us life can be very sweet indeed.

Cakeland is a sculptural installation resembling a collection of perfect delicious cakes – wall mounted, hanging, and standing – a walk-through cake environment complete with its own lighting. It is a sweet refuge, an endless kaleidoscopic landscape of cake, a respite from the grinding realities of the outside world.

The sculptures have all of the appeal of the best cake you have ever tasted, but can never be eaten. Whereas the nature of edible cake is fleeting, lasting only as long as the brief celebration it was made for, these cakes last as long as the artist or society have the wherewithal to preserve them, in order that they remain a place of pilgrimage, a seemingly idyllic oasis.

Check out more photos from Cakeland.

Today’s Gratitude List

October was a rough month, personally and professionally. I saw my recipes reprinted without my permission or attribution on other web sites... I wasn't eating...

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Learning To Sail

“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship."– Louisa May AlcottAlcott is best  known for her semi-autobiographical novel Little Women....

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