Food Renegade: Puttin’ Love in the Food

Dave and I have a running gag that if I’m grouchy when I make dinner, the grumpiness will go into the food and ruin our dinner. It’s based on a 1972 episode of The Mike Douglas Show which included special guests John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and a macrobiotic cook. The super-groovy, hippy-chick cook gave a cooking demonstration and insisted that the celebrities cutting the carrots be peaceful, lest their aggression be transferred into the food and, ultimately, into the people who ate the food. It’s a pretty hilarious bit, especially in contrast to the way most people produce and consume food in 2009 America.

Today the Food Renegade, a.k.a., Kristen M, has a lovely post entitled “There is No Love in That Food” about the role that love plays in making quality, nutritious food.

I do believe that healthy food is love. What’s the first thing we do in a crisis or celebration? Gather our friends and family together around a table laden with food.

Right about the time I started CrossFit, I decided that the food I make for the people I love is going to be healthy and delicious, rather than traditional “comfort” food. Someone’s sad? They get a nourishing bowl of Turkish Chopped Salad or My Favorite Chili. Someone is celebrating? They get a bowl of fresh berries with a jar of coconut milk on the side or a basket of crudite with Sunshine Sauce. Sometimes a perfect mango is a nice reward.

That’s true love.

Our New Project: Strong Sense of Place

My new project is taking all of my attention right now, and I'd love for you to join me for new adventures! It's called Strong...

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Rants & Rave: 25 April 2020

We could all use some happy distractions right about now, right? Here are some of the things I found online lately that made me happy....

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  • Catherine Hart Rebholz says:

    So true! I just made the skinless gyozas w/ special dipping sauce (from Mark's Daily Apply video recipe contest) and I was SO EXCITED to cook these babies that they tasted so extra exciting. I made a bunch of zucchini for the side, and my hubby normally doesn't touch zucchini but he ate a TON of it and decided he loved it all of the sudden…I think he was just tasting my excitement. 🙂

    1/4 of a cabbage
    1/2 cucumber
    1/4 cup broccoli
    1 cup zucchini
    1/4 cup onion
    1/4 sweet potato

    I only slept from 11pm-5:45am, BUT I finally slept so deeply. So quality gets an A, but hoe fresh I felt today gets a C- because I didn't get enough sleep.

    Plus OHSquats and Burpee Box jumps did me in. yikes!

  • Melicious says:

    OH squats and I are not really friends yet, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE burpee box jumps. I'm jealous!

  • Melissa says:

    I am in love with Edible Arrangements, which are a beautiful, tasty, and relatively healthy alternate to flowers.

  • Melicious says:

    Agreed! Edible Arrangements totally rule. Pretty and SO SO SO delicious!