Be yourself, loudly.

ZenHabits has a lovely post today about how the world is changing and, more importantly, what each of us can do about it.

Here’s an excerpt, so you can see what I mean:

Do something interesting.

Be a part of the conversation, and say something remarkable. Create something unique, new, beautiful. Build upon the works of others and transform it into your own.

How to do this?

Write a book. Or an ebook. Write poetry and publish it on the web. Create interesting, lovely or funny videos, put them on You Tube. Be passionate. Write a web app that will solve a problem in people’s lives. Become a watchdog to replace the faltering newspapers. Explore the world, and blog about it. Try something you’ve always been afraid to try, and put it on video. Be yourself, loudly.

It goes on like that, covering love and business and everything in between. It’s inspirational and confrontational and pretty damn cool.

And it reminds me of why I love the people who congregate around CrossFit. Let’s face it: much of what we do in our workouts would be deemed nutty by many people. But to me, it’s beautiful. The striving, sweating, cussing, and fear are a joy to behold because they mean people are trying – truly trying – with their hearts and their guts and with no place for pride. There’s usually laughter or quiet words of encouragement or whooping shouts of motivation or brazen high-fives to celebrate the trying.

It can be hard to live boldly, to attempt new adventures, to say what’s in your heart, to do things that are scary… to be yourself, loudly. But a good night’s sleep, nutritionally-sound rocket fuel, a workout that scares the bejeezus out of you, and a community of like-minded, motivated people being themselves, in all their beauty, sure makes it worthwhile.

The Best Version of Ourselves 2018

The post below was originally published in 2011, and it's been updated each year to reflect where I am in my life and the new...

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A Little Respect (Strength Monday 7/8/13)

In my quest for lean superhero-ness, Dave and I are hitting the craptastic gym in our Converse to lift heavy stuff and work on skills...

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