Runner’s World "Kick In The Butt"

I get several email newsletters from Runner’s World throughout the week, and they’re really pretty good. The info is targeted to runners (duh), but it’s usually relevant to anyone who cares about their body — lots of good motivational stuff, nutrition, recipes, stretching, strength training…

You can subscribe to their newsletters at this link.

I particularly like the “101 Kicks In The Butt” — and they recently added a newsletter devoted to the 2008 Olympics. (Only 2 more days ’til I’m glued to my ghetto TV watching Michael Phelps and Dara Torres!)

For your pondering pleasure, today’s Kick In The Butt:

“Self-trust is the essence of heroism.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Best Version of Ourselves 2018

The post below was originally published in 2011, and it's been updated each year to reflect where I am in my life and the new...

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A Little Respect (Strength Monday 7/8/13)

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